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LB: A game importer/translator called Fruitbat Factory had their discord server hijacked, and the hijackers used it to push malware to members who didn't know about the hijack yet.

There's a current wave of social engineering / malware attacks being conducted on Discord against game developers. Be very wary of messages you might get, even from friends:

"TrackerZapper is a Mac app that sits in your menubar and silently removes tracking parameters from any links you copy."

Tux is the official Linux kernel mascot mainly because he embodies Linus:

Xenia is an increasingly popular mascot mainly because she embodies the larger community's diversity & the transitions & transformations it enabled:

i made a thing for watching youtube videos on computers that have no business loading youtube anymore

Balance is like a gyroscope. It's not something to be achieved, but a constant evolution. Adjust as needed.

my biggest problem with the OLPC project is more an ideological one than a technical one, but this is a good thread about it


You: What’s the 1️⃣ EdTech story that all should know ?
Me: One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)

You: Why ?
Me: Many have heard of it, few know the details of it’s shocking failure & it is a great example of what I call:
“The iceberg theory of EdTech”

But its start was full of promise…



# Follow the provided short URL and show each location redirect in the
# chain. Usage: follow http://short.url/12345

while [ -n "$HOP" ]
printf "%s\n" "$HOP"
HOP=$( curl -Is "$HOP" | dos2unix | sed -n 's/^[Ll]ocation: //p' )

The page text itself is remarkable only for its size: 151 bytes.
A whole Web page just *barely* too big for birdsite's original limit.

curl -I www\.w3\.org/History/19921103-hypertext/hypertext/WWW/Link.html | grep -i last-modified
# pretty interesting last-modified header

Do not study science-oriented programming languages while drowsy. I just misread "specification" as "spaghettification."

your fave is not github: git

  • it's a distributed piece of software
  • it works without github
  • you don't need github
  • you technically don't need a server at all, git works fine without one
  • if you still need a centralised remote to push to you can use codeberg or run your own gitea
  • fuck github
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!