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Random Windows help:
If you're struggling to get your new Walmart printer to print from your new Walmart laptop, do two things. 1) Check that both ink cartridges are fully inserted and latched in. 2) Restart Windows 11, even if you think it doesn't need it. 3) Load enough paper to print all of the test print jobs you accidentally queued up.

The only truth in OpenAI's very name is the word "artificial," but even then, only if the name is an acronym.

It has been a long time coming, but I've made it official:

"Daniel no longer answers questions on stackoverflow. Use a dedicated public curl forum for accurate and timely answers about anything #curl. "

(yes, speaking about myself in 3rd person)

As it's been 20 years since I made the original, I thought I'd recreate my "Monitor Slapping" GIF. Except now I'm slapping myself through time....

Nice to see that my new bird house has been accepted.

uspol/intpol adjacent, ot rant 

The USA is buying 81 USSR combat aircraft for less than $20,000 each.

This makes me unreasonably upset because 1) I'd need a loan of at least that much to buy the cheapest car, and 2) I can't imagine old Soviet planes being harder or more expensive to maintain than just-as-old American cars. I was somehow able to keep a Ford Tempo as a daily driver for years; I can't imagine a defanged MiG 27 being much harder for a discount Jetsons' future.

I just got spam that answers the question of why so much mail traffic is spam with basic depressing economics. 

Also, since it's spam itself, the spam outfit behind it is overcharging, and the actual going rate per message for blasting spam is much, much lower.

That's why literally 10 million people could know spam when they see it, except just one who falls for its scam, and the spammer still comes out ahead.

(This isn't a rule on my instance. It's just good etiquette on any instance.)

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Please add alt text to your images. It doesn't just help blind and low-vision people. It helps the fully sighted on crappy computers and crappy browsers and crappy connections to understand what you're showing us.

Please add alt text especially if you're sharing a text-only screen capture. The alt text description limit is a lot higher than the main post body text limit.

👆periodic reminder to get boosts/shares on masto/fedi you need to add alt text to your images 🖼️​

Current distraction: being a computer and doing all the downloading.

Quick advice to Americans doing their taxes at the last minute (as I do).

If you can't or won't pay the full amount owed by the tax deadline, just pay something.

Pay anything. Pay $1, pay $10, pay $100, and you'll go into the bucket of "underpayment" (which is common and relatively minor) versus "nonpayment" (which is serious, and gives them permission to garnish your wages.)

Best advice I ever got from a tax preparer.

Happy Tax Panic Day, USA!

The day we suddenly remember that we need to take numbers the state and federal governments gave us, work some simple arithmetic in complicated formulas for them for reasons involving tax prep industry lobbying, give those numbers back to them, and hope they get the same results when they do the same math.

People, always: Mozilla, please just make a web browser

Mozilla, 2014: here’s a phone!
Mozilla, 2018: all in on VR!
Mozilla, 2022: let’s do crypto!
Mozilla, 2024: hurrah AI!

Falsehoods programmers believe:

* Thinking the gender binary can be encoded in just a single bit.

** In reality, the gender binary word size often exceeds the byte it takes out of your simplistic, need-to-unlearn understanding.

i was chatting with @ShadowJonathan and they brought up a point which I was thinking about too, namely how these kind of indie casino number-go-big games with a relatively small pricetag and no microtransactions of any kind might help people break their addiction to actual gambling

and the reviews under balatro seem to confirm that 🥰

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!