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@mcc I thought this was going to end as a joke for how we, like crabs, evolve to use shells

There's a kind of command line carcinization where computer people especially Linux people gradually gravitate to command line workflows because especially on Linux there's just too many times you open the GUI tool, get halfway through the task, and then realize the GUI tool can't actually do what you need and you need to start over with the command line version. When this happens enough times you just go to the command line first rather than potentially waste your time

For the 40th Anniversary of "Elite", Ian Bell has released the source codes for the Apple, Atari, C64, and NES versions of the game for free.

He also released the source for the unfinished SNES and BBC ports. A very cool gift for such a pioneering space sim.

I'm so out of touch that, until I saw his name in writing, I thought Stan Lee was just some joe named Stanley whose last name everyone just knew.

IDK if this is common knowledge, or even if any other instances do this, but at least on my instance you can drag just about any masto URL into the search box, press enter, and get the post or profile as the search result.

I found this old book called "The White Pages" and the author just doxes like 20,000 people... Unbelievable!

I saw a 2024 Tesla Cybertruck for the first time with my own eyes while on foot today. It was almost new, yet it looked older, rattier, and rustier than my well-worn 1991 Mazda B2200.

If I didn't know better, I would've thought it was a redneck engineering job made from scrapyard parts, not something people with too much money paid thousands of dollars and dozens of months in waiting to buy into.

thank you to my half-asleep brain last night for giving me such a brilliant flash of inspiration

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Friends, please spend this weekend learning how to make a backup copy of your PC's hard disk. Especially if your PC is too old to know what a cloud is, let alone back up your data to one.

Guess what happened in my field work today, a Friday the Thirteenth, that prompted this reminder.

Flappy Bird being abandoned because its creator got nervous about it being "addictive," only for the trademark to be picked up by a crypto shill, really feels like some kind of heavy-handed satire

When I _am_ in a terminal window, I use Mutt, & for almost precisely the same reasons as Sylpheed.

The biggest differences are that Mutt's founding inspiration is ELM, not Outlook Express, & it doesn't even pretend to render HTML mail at all, instead presenting them as file attachments to plain text messages. Mutt is also more extensible, more customizable, & fully keyboard driven.

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What do I use for email? When I'm not in a terminal window, I use Sylpheed:

It's light, it's fast, it has keyboard shortcuts for common tasks, it resists do-everything feature creep, & its UI hardly ever changes between versions.

But it doesn't render received HTML mail except as very simplified text, & it won't let you send HTML mail except as a file attachment to plain text mail. This is not a bug, todo, or fixme. This is an incredibly useful & welcome feature.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!