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In technology news, CrowdStrike thought the most appropriate apology for their kernel-oops last Friday was a $10 coffee voucher. Rather appropriately, that didn't go right either, as those who accepted the gesture found out.

TechCrunch, "CrowdStrike offers a $10 apology gift card to say sorry for outage":

When a new Big Vuln(TM) appears right at the end of the day:

Anyway, we took _the word "accessibility"_ and made it incomprehensible to new community members, look like a different, real but unrelated word if you use the wrong font or have weak eyesight, and screw over anyone using a screen reader.

We've made it harder for people who rely on accessible tech to so much as participate in conversations about them and the tech they rely on, to save able-bodied people a few keystrokes.

This is bullshit. There's no better term for it. It's just lazy bullshit.

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@thomasfuchs That "I always check" has the same energy as "It's open source so I can audit the code"

Every time I post about LLMs being useless (because they can't think) people reply with "but it works for me".

No, it doesn't work for you. That's the point.

You can't know when it's lying or being subtly wrong, unless you do the work yourself to research if what it's saying is actually correct.

If you say "I always check" why use the LLM in the first place? Now it's double the work. (Of course no one actually does the checking, they only say they do.)

I joke but a note about language usage and open source _cultural_ accessibility: Numeronyms are bad, and there's no meaningful distinction between "a884a5f3609f2cca635fed56d4ec5795da56fb970y" and "a11y".

Neither one is recognizable as "accessibility" to anyone new to the field - great work nerds, we've managed to give the word "accessibility" its own accessibility problem - and I gotta tell you, "not typing out long words because they're long words" seems childish as hell to most people.

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ukpol - 

That said, the UK seems to be successfully importing the worst of my country's political beliefs. Although Reform won only five of the 13 seats exit polls said they'd get, Mister High Velocity Milkshake Target won his constituency and is now an MP, and their candidates got more combined votes than the third-place Liberal Democrats, 4,103,727 to 3,501,004 if I'm to believe the Financial Times:

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I wish Sunak's constituency had voted to resign him as MP, sparing him the need to resign as PM and party leader.

During his resignation speech, which was sorry in more ways than he said, his wife stood behind him with an umbrella yet his suit still looked like it was thoroughly rained on.

I guess that's what trying to import a lack of food, water, and health care while trying to blame immigrants and deport them to a place already lacking them gets you.

Did You Know?

you can write your own #irc server in less time than it takes to read the discord privacy policy and terms of service

ukpol - 

Did Clacton think they were voting for an MP or the man most deserving of high velocity milkshakes?

Have you ever gotten a crush on someone just by reading about something they did?


When the vote was announced, Kier Starmer looked like he expected to lose to Elmo and was surprised to win.

Anywho, the order of colors in the standard is hard for some folks to memorize, so I made a shirt with it. It's also nerdy and the most popular shirt in my merch store.

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USA: *blows up the countryside and traumatizes pets every July 4th to celebrate sending the king of England a nastygram*

UK: *blows up the countryside and traumatizes pets every November 5th to celebrate sending the king of England a slightly different kind of nastygram*

Folks, wherever in the world you are, could you maybe celebrate whatever without traumatizing your neighbors' pets?

re: Softing Microfuck! (useful procedure) 

If it surprises someone you know, & if, like my customers, they just want to go back, then here's my procedure until Microsoft makes the change permanent:

1. Click on the gear icon along the window's title bar.

2. Navigate to "General" (far left), then "About Outlook" (next column to right).

3. Click on the "Open Mail now" button.

4. Give Microsoft a piece of your mind & click "Submit," or don't & click "Skip Feedback," both at the bottom.

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re: Softing Microfuck! 

Outlook for Windows promises to restore access to blocked POP3 and IMAP4 accounts, but only if you agree to synching them with Microsoft's cloud servers.

Remember: "the cloud" is just a fancy way of saying "someone else's computer," & that someone else doesn't need to give you the time of day, let alone access to the computer, even if you paid for it.

And Microsoft doesn't make clear whether it's settings or content that's synched.

Given Bing AI, assume it's content.

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re: Softing Microfuck! 

Microsoft's default mail reader in Windows:

Internet Mail (pre-IE5)
Outlook Express (IE5, IE6, XP)
Windows Mail (Vista)
Windows Live Mail (Vista, 7, 8, 8.1)
nothing (8, 8.1)
Mail (10)
Outlook for Windows (10, 11)

This latest switcheroo is the first time ever that I've seen end users' mail account access straight up vanish without catastrophic hardware failure, PC replacement, or major OS version upgrade.

Never using Microsoft's default applications includes for mail.

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Softing Microfuck! 

Microsoft is force-replacing the Windows Mail app with an app called "Outlook for Windows," as if confusion with Office Outlook/Outlook 365, Outlook Web Access, & the Outlook that replaced Hotmail wasn't enough.

Adding even more confusion, it's referenced in-app only as "The New Outlook," & the icon is a generic mail envelope with the word "New" as a badge.

But worst of all, it doesn't fucking work with *existing* POP3/IMAP4 accounts! "Your access is gone now, good luck!"

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Computer Fairies

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