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solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted




solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted

this one hit home for me.

(the linked site is usually NSFW, but in this particular instance, there is only a comic showing a bit of cuddling)

solilo guy boosted

Ladies and Gentlethems,

Pride Month is here to remind us: There are so many ways of being beautiful!

Also, anyone should have the freedom to choose when, how and to whom to show their beauty.

Join us at our next FNTI* CryptoParty

on June 1st 2022

at 7 pm CEST

online via BigBlueBotton

Find more info here:

and our CoC here:

Iirc first volume should be ”No Normal“.
Also, Spider-Gwen could be worth a try.

Morgen ist übrigens , und das funktioniert so:

1.) Zum nächsten Comicladen gehen (oder auch Hugendubel/Thalia)

2.) Sich drei von diesen Comics aussuchen (alles mit dabei, Dr.Strange, Manga, Donjon, Enola Holmes):

3.) Mitnehmen und durchschmökern

(Und dabei gerne anderes Tolles im Comicladen entdecken!) ✏️📚​✨​​

solilo guy boosted

They’re here!! All my autobio comics since 2016 collected in FOUR new zines!!

Grab a copy this weekend at Comic Invasion, table 44* in the Lichthof!

*you can take the cartoonist out of Nantes something something

#CIB22 #zines #comics #ComicInvasion #Berlin

I'll be kicking off next weekend's festival in Berlin with watching "No Straight Lines – The Rise of " at the Babylon Kreuzberg cinema on Friday night.

Come early and you can also browse through a Pop Up Exhibition and a Mini Comic Market, with a selection of 's finest queer comics! ✏️🌈​ ​

Movie tickets:

I think this is because of the public perception of the real-life and on-screen couple Krasinski/Blunt (Emily Blunt admittedly being a far better Sue than Krasinski's Reed).

Having this married couple play the married Richards is a structural fit, and a news item unto itself.

solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted

Wer sich nicht wehrt, lebt verkehrt.
Abbildung: Nancy and Sluggo, No. 100, Sept. 1954.

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solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted


Just learned Neal Adams has left us. The physical fluidity of his characters and the emotion he was able to put in each panel gave his stories a humanity few could match. Rest in Peace, sir. And thank you for all that you made us feel.


solilo guy boosted

Für den unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass jemand, der #Literatur und #Comics mag, noch nichts vom #Crowdfunding von #Reprodukt mitbekommen hat, bitte schön:

macht die Eisenbahn, aber nicht die fliegenden Rüsselkolibris im Vorspann.

Stellt man sich wahrscheinlich auch cooler vor, als es am Ende klingt [hier Sendung-mit-dem-Elefanten-Sound einfügen].

Das leichte Raumschiff-Rauschen dagegen find ich sehr gelungen - und angemessen für das Netzwerk der Zukunft! 🚀

Sag gerne an, wenn Du einen invite code möchtest 🐹​

@ralphruthe Endlich deutschsprachige Comic-Leute! Herzlich Willkommen!✨

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!