@justanotheranarchist Oh wow, I'm just back from traveling and had no idea!
Thanks, this made my day 🎉
The latest version of the thoughtful, capable, and ethical replacement for Windows and macOS is here. elementary OS 6 empowers you to be in control and express yourself, continues to innovate with new features, and is both easier to get and more inclusive. https://blog.elementary.io/elementary-os-6-odin-released/
#Gaming 2021 – just helped a kid set up their brandnew #PS5, and boy, what a #privacy nightmare!
If you don't uncheck a box unmentioned during setup and hidden deep down in layers of preferences, the PS5 is always listening and remotely analyzing everything that is said to “improve its services”.
And to ensure this, yellow LEDs in your controller alarm you when the built-in microphone is _muted_, which was very counter-intuitive for the kid.
Yikes! Peak #SurveillanceCapitalism
On this week’s page of Bicycle Boy, Poet is spotted by an old ‘friend’. :)
http://bicycleboy.net | #webcomic #MastoArt
Y'know while I was away from Mastodon for a bit, I co-founded an Association that is trying to help comic creators. We're almost 400 members strong now - so if you're reading this and you're a fellow creator, you can read our Code of Conduct and Mission Statement below, then join us here: https://discord.gg/sKDrf8Q
@Gargron 3:00 am EDT = 9:00 am CET
@Gargron Iirc 3 am US East Coast Time
re: Guilty/Onions (Img text)
Q: What's the kindest thing a stranger has done or said to you?
A: Oh God! I can't even tell this story and not cry.
I used to manage an LGBT bookstore, when bookstores were still a thing. One night, a caller says he thinks he might be gay and is considering self-harm. We were not a crisis center!
But as long as we're talking, he's safe, right?
So I talk to this guy and I answer questions, and I try to be encouraging and I'm maybe sounding a little frantic and I'm definitely ignoring the 4--5 customers in the store, and this angel of a woman puts her hand on my shoulder and asks for the phone.
"My turn, she says".
And SHE, this 50-something lesbian talks to this stranger on the phone. And a LINE FORMS BEHIND HER. Every csutomer in the store knows that call, knows that feeling, and eveyr person takes a turn talking to that man.
That story comforts me so much to this day.
Finally – FNTI*#CryptoParty!
This Saturday, June 12th 2021, 4 pm CEST
online via BigBlueBotton
Our #privacy is such a beauty, let's come together and learn how to protect it.
For women, enbies, trans* and inter* people only.
@volt4ire Irritatingly, no one over at Birbsite with the Sopranos quote I use most often:
"Where's my arc?!"
If like me you find yourself struggling in these trying times, know that you‘ll always have a room in my magnificent Elven Castle, waiting for you to get some rest. ✨
#art #comic #comics #creativetoot #drawing #makingcomics #mastoart #panelpreview #penandink
Ich freue mich total. Eine #Mobilizon-Instanz für Berlin geht an den Start.
Die Einweihung wird auf einer Kundgebung am 18.6. im Görli zelebriert!
#SharingIsCaring Kommt rum! Das ganze ist draußen mit Maske und Abstand.
Die Kungebung ist in Solidarität mit den Künstler*innen in der Pandemie (die ja in Hartz IV gedrängt werden) und gegen die Geschäftsmodelle der großen Tech-Unternehmen (die unsere Privatsphäre durchdringen).
RT @KetanJ0@twitter.com
Please allow me to re-share my rough sketch of some advanced carbon capture technology
In a final step, the user took #SailfishOS X, same as before, and changed just a few lines in /etc/connman/main.conf
(removed all the FallbackTimeservers, Ipv4StatusUrl and Ipv6StatusUrl configuration)…
...and it does not connect *anywhere*.
Completely empty list of external connections.
Thing of #beauty.
Further results:
- #UbuntuTouch – connections every several minutes to a few Canonical and ubports servers – probably tuneable, but behaving like this out of the box.
- #SailfishOS X – connects to some NTP servers, to ip4.jolla.com (detection of WIFI capture portals) and some AWS server, exchanges a few bytes and stops; repeats the same process after ~12 hours (probably network clock synchronization).
This is even less than #GrapheneOS‘ default connections.
Interesting thread in the #SailfishOS forum where a user set up the following experiment:
They flashed an Xperia X phone with different OSes, left them idle without running any apps and then saw how often and where the OS is connecting to by default (tcpdumps).
- #Android 8.1 from vendor – an expected catastrophe: within one minute, it „connected everywhere“.
Read on for #UbuntuTouch, #SailfishOS, and #grapheneos
Huch, lang kein #ZDF mehr gesehen – und auffällig, wie das von der #NoAfD gefeierte, unsägliche Wagenknecht-Zitat ganz persönlich und nachdenklich vorgelesen wird, darunter sanfte Synthies wie beim Heterokuss in Rosamunde Pilcher-Filmen, während die grundsympathischen Wagenknecht-kritischen Tweets arrogant und verächtlich intoniert sind, bei knarzender Thriller-Musik ganz kurz vorm Mord bei Der (weiße) Alte.
So the European Parliament decides to adopt privatized Internet censorship -in the name of opposing "terrorist content- without a fuckin vote.
Any country can ask any company to take down any content in *ONE HOUR* if it is "terrorist content".
Hungary, Poland, will love that. Maybe if you call to burn EU Democracy, you'll be taken down too?
Anyone still believes #EU is relevant? that EU Parliament is "democratic"? That any of this is just and fair?
Berlin-based comic artist (he/him, white) trapped in a tech bubble.
Tooting for help in 🇬🇧 / 🇩🇪 about comics, infosec, queerness, and Elves.