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1. Stay hydrated.
2. Have an ice cream cone.
3. Dismantle the fossil fuel industry which is literally burning the planet for the short term profit of a vanishingly small capitalist class.
4. Wear loose clothing.

@alilly I remember webrings, but how did y'all share bookmark lists?

I feel like that was slightly before my time on geocites 😅

Had a lovely walk at the park, saw a bunch of grasshoppers, a shed snakeskin, and a bunch of different people doing different things :3

howdy, dog seems to be okay, or in the same state as yesterday anyway

going to carve some time to use the vet app, but for now I need to go on a walk

very worried about the dog, trying to keep calm about it

might have to use the online vet chat thing to know if I should be playing cool about this

bring back the little orange RSS icon in the corner of every website

so now that the pupper is resting until we see the vet, guess I gotta go on my own walks, I need the Enrichment™

Back in Feb, when Grammarly said they were going to think about incorporating AI, I immediately canceled my account and uninstalled. And now they've actually done it.

I'm sharing because with everything going on, writers might not realize this is happening.

#AI #writing

re: pupper news | neg but not scary 

her mood is fairly normal, still eating regularly, hydrating, barking at everyone when we're out

so I think Friday will be soon enough, just kinda worried for her and disappointed with myself that I didn't notice sooner :blobsad:

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pupper news | neg but not scary 

:( I just noticed today there's a growth in-between Irene's toe beans on one paw, the growth's-skin is cracked, and I think it's affecting her walk to the point that one claw is too long

just scheduled the vet appointment, thankfully they had a spot for this Friday

I'm not really expecting any good news out of it, but that's what ya do right?

so not my best, not my fav, trying to stay positive about it

today is a day where it took 3 hours to finally get all the meds working and the strength to walk the dog

FDA approves nonprofit's over-the-counter opioid overdose nasal spray used to reverse opioid overdose

RiVive, made by Harm Reduction Therapeutics, is the second #nonprescription #naloxone product the FDA has approved.

But unlike other opioid overdose products, the 3 milligram treatment will be available for free or low cost, and its sales will bring no profit to its manufacturer

#DrugOverDose #Health #FDA #Opioid #nonProfit #RiVive #NoProfit


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!