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@golgaloth Psychic Damage Blade (aka The Cringe Knife)

Clear Quartz is said to be an amplifier of psychic energy

on the hardness scale quartz is a 7, which is fairly tough overall, but not as tough as ruby/sapphire or diamond

the rest of this is just my own association ivory -> wisdom tooth -> "elephants have perfect memory"

so using psychic energy or memories to cause physical damage :3c

Genshin Impact 

random kids in Liyue: look what happened to mom, she's in the stars now

me, overhearing all of this while holding some fucking tofu to deliver to them: 😭 kids could you lighten up a bit

ok I did it, installing the lesbian furry tower defend-y game on the ole ipad

I am nearly converted to Arknights, but I don't think any of my devices can play it

Put on a bunch of cinnamon-spicy perfume before my nose registered it so now I'm ~seasonally spicy~

Pro: got myself to go to the pool: very tired out in a good way

Con: forgot my goggles; enough crowding that I should covid test tomorrow :(

White dew. When drops of dew can be seen on the grass. Swallows leave for the year, and the wagtails sing. 💦

lol cycling through so many toot ideas that I forgot to change the privacy back to default

Real ass ocean water: 🚫 do not drink ⚠️

Corp brand Ocean Water(tm): yum! how refreshing, what a lil treat 🍹 :annoyingdog:

You don't owe anyone any explanation for blocking.

I found a (new to me) AuDHD ship y'all know what that means

(wringing out a jpeg of the couple into a glass)

#labor: the United Auto Workers union is expected to strike against one or all three US major auto makers when the current contract expires September 14. "A more combative UAW has demanded a 46% pay raise, a 32-hour week with 40 hours of pay and a restoration of traditional pensions"


as much as I don't want summer to be over I really like pumpkin or maple flavored pastries :3

recalling the time I tried to use a late night food delivery thing (pre-pandemic I believe)

made the order around midnight? waited like 3 hours for them to cancel my order at 4 am :blobupsidedown:

food cw 

fuck it, birthday month, gonna treat myself and destroy myself with fancy sweets with lactose in them

All labour is labour. People who tell you that you're somehow not working-class because you work with your brain and a keyboard, and don't come home covered in grime from 16 hours of breaking stones in the misery mines, are not the friends of labour. They are the catspaws of capital. You are not better (or worse) than a coal miner or lumberjack. Your relationship to capital is exactly the same -- you trade labour for subsistence, to make the capitalist class richer.

Help us Native Hawaiians keep doing more education and resisting colonial oppression.

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food cw 

having a lot of moments where I'm craving basically everything on the NITW pizza scale except the bottom tier garbage pizza

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!