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in a fun new twist, my art school pal thought I was 3 years older than I actually am

despite knowing me since 2012 lolol

finally got myself to sit down and start watching this giant ass video on the history of MonHun

and holy fucking shit the 1st game is really bare bones, even in comparison to when I hoped into the series MHFU

re: food | think this probably counts as a doom post 

@baralheia oh snap, that's my bad, I just assumed

good to know though, thank you for the info :3

food | think this probably counts as a doom post 

wonder if we're ever getting sriracha back or if that's just the first of many things we're just gonna have to live without

@GoddessZenith checking in if you're asking for help in protecting tech during storms,

or if this is more of a note to yourself kinda deal 😅

reminder everyone's cat is the best cat and I *demand* to see more cat pictures

food - american breakfast foods 

treated myself to a big breakfast of a bunch of bacon & eggs, vegan croissant

=w=) I should remember to buy some hash browns and pancake mix in the future

re: needle mentioned 

@catgoat thanks for the info, I had assumed it was for pimples 😅 my bad

needle mentioned 

(holding her ipad looking confused & angry)

hey, real quick, what the fuck is micro needling

caps lock | excited good news 


food cw 

treated myself to those fancy blue potato chips (not blue corn, blue potato) and they're soooooooooo gooooooooooood ✨ 💙

one day I need to actually learn sword fighting so I'm not just drawing random crap hoping someone can hold it

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specifically does Uncle's magic work in Japanese because that's Earth's Default? (this universes default?)

or because that's what he's fluent in (this universe)?

because that's where he's from???

and thinking about how that could apply to other things

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started watching Uncle From Another World for the lols but now I'm thinking about magic systems

having fun drawing swords, not excited thinking about having to scan said swords

@kaimatten oh the citizens in the cities in final fantasy crystal chronicles asking or telling you the most ominous things (nostalgic sigh)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!