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Food | US exclusive | not vegan or vegeterian friendly 

Today is National Cheeseburger day so the big chains have a lot of deals going on

a few require use of their app to benefit from, so double check that

I'm used to pushing through harsh neg attitudes for info

but sometimes I see a series of comments that restores my base line faith in humanity/society

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doing supplement research (again) and sometimes the comment threads on reddit aren't the worst :bunhdcomfyhappy:

recalling the time in art school I had to write a paper about a movie, but then wrote a paper about why I didn't watch that movie

caught up to ep 6 of Uncle From Another World

really not a fan of the isekai harem that's developing

but I'm watching this for an offline pal, so as long as it doesn't get too weird I'll stick around

Pepe is a fascist dog whistle

Some people actively go out of their way to defend pepe by saying they are just a "funny little frog" and so not worth the time to remove from our spaces.

The thing is though, if they were "just" a "funny little frog", then there would be no reason to spend that much effort defending them. Even if you disagree about something being fascist, if you think it is inconsequential you would stop using it as others ask you to or actively ban it. The fact that these people spend so much time defending it shows not only are they lying about it being "just a funny little frog", they know it is a fascist dog whistle and are protecting its usage as that

Do time give these people the time of day. Do not try to debate them. Fascists never cared about truth and are never going to.

To any artists over here on the Fediverse, a new dogwhistle dropped.

I think some of y'all might've guessed, but I bought my 2nd copy of FFCC on the Switch last night :annoyingdog:

​(it's on sale in the eshop RN until the 26th)

it's a Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles OST kinda afternoon

re: video games 

I don't mind open world games when the price tag is free like FF14 or Genshin, because I don't feel guilty for just exploring & not advancing

but I had decision paralysis the second the Skyrim plot started up for real, I had never played an Obsidian game & it was too much

I'm too afraid to even touch BOTW because I'm scared I'll skip over some fan-favorite scene by accident or soft lock myself

it's just too much for me, I play games as a fun escapism, not Homework Simulators

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video games 

slowly realizing I really enjoy and need fixed storyline games over open world games

which I kinda already knew, but I was watching an old polygon video about FFCC and he was complaining about the rail-like feeling of the game and I completely disagree?

you get to wander around the map with fun lil random interactions in between! (tl;dr no random encounter grinding other, hurrah!)

to me, someone who loves this game and has played it a lot, the levels feel more like hiking trails

tl;dr ran into a random reel or short where a Scottish (?) woman was telling the viewer not to feel weird about having an American accent and I was like,...

wait, is that a thing people were going to make fun of to my face?
I don't care about global internet memes, but now I'm over analyzing my accent thanks

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the doubled edge to those "you shouldn't feel ashamed of (whatever)" videos

is that if you weren't self conscious about the thing before you sure as hell are now

spontaneously got the Roaming Sheep Final Fantasy song stuck in my head

"What if I told you that there was a nationwide bill currently working its way through the U.S. Senate which, if passed, could be used to censor LGBTQ+ content on the internet? And what if I told you that it has bipartisan support and that President Biden has indicated he would sign it?"

slowly realizing I'm a ultra mega turbo monster hunter nerd 

* imported and played MonHun Portable 3rd (Japan exclusive)

* owns the special edition mon hun psp

* has been playing since 2009

* will fight tooth and nail to defend Tri from the haters

* same deal with the switch axe

like it's cool I'm out of the baby face zone, but apparently my appearance skipped the cool sexy 20 year old zone and jumped straight into the mom zone? ? ?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!