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Hey artists!
Alt text your art! Don't treat it like Content to mindlessly dump on the internet. It's ART! Put some care into it and describe it. And then the visually impaired and/or folks with bad connections can enjoy it too.

PSA: Google has now begun to roll-out the Ad Topics "feature" onto Android itself. It's not just in Chrome you have to disable the settings. Please #Boost to spread awareness.

If you didn't get the pop-up screen on your Android device (it'll look like the first two screenshots), to opt-out of these settings:

  1. Go to your device Settings
  2. Press on "Google"
  3. Press on "Ads"
    • While you're here, press on the "Delete Advertising ID" button and delete it
  4. Press on "Ad Privacy"
  5. Review: "Ad Topics", "App-suggested ads", and "App Measurement". Make sure they are all labelled as "OFF". (This page will look like the third screenshot.)

If you don't see "Ad Privacy" in Step 4 then it means that it hasn't been rolled out to you yet. You might need to wait and check back in a couple of days to see if/when it has been implemented to disable these settings.

#Android #Google #Privacy #AdTopics

ok ok ok, but hear me out, what if


but into a farming sim rpg (Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley) ? :thinkhappy:

food cw 

tried one of those frozen soft serve cones from the freezer section of H-MART as a lil birthday treat

the ice cream/soft-serve part was very tasty (I got half vanilla half matcha), the cone was understandably very soggy

like a 4 outta 5

@goaty I just get a couple of lines stuck in my head until I write them down

no idea how to write a full song 😅

Autumnal equinox. Day and night are of equal length. Farmers drain their fields and insects hide underground. 🐛


craving sweets at a late hour is one of the most predictable problems I have lol

do I really want to drive 12 miles out of my way to physically pick up these books or should I order them for delivery :thinkhappy:

oof my sense of the week is way off, keep forgetting it's Friday

well alright then, glad things seem to be working over here

Are we back or is my tusky app somehow working better than the desktop site

funny caps lock 

me, tired and watching some tourist South Korea - Seoul video

the cafe they're in: starts playing Never Gonna Give You Up


I went to my optometrist this morning. They don't require customers to mask anymore, but were happy to have all their staff wear masks, including receptionists.

After my appointment finished, I noticed that all the waiting patients had masks as well, which I originally thought was just good luck. However, the receptionist told me that every customer had entered without a mask, and within a few minutes they all either put on their own mask or asked for one from the receptionist, noticing that they were the odd one out.

This experience powerfully showed me that for many, the decision to mask or not is heavily influenced by peer pressure.

food mentioned 

I'm sure someone's already said this before, but why is it easier for advertisers to warn us about MAYO of all things when

(gestures to a list of commonly used TW/CWs)

before anyone jumps in I know that,

"graphic material might be ahead proceed at your own caution"

type of warnings exist, but it's the vaguest warning almost nobody pays attention to

what counts as "graphic"? gore? sex? violence? t-shirts?

nobody fuckin' knows

life really does have tragic misunderstandings that could've been easily avoided if someone bothered to ask a few carefully worded questions, huh :blobcatoh:

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the crushing embarrassment that your friend didn't stop texting you because they hate you

but because they lost your number at some point :,)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!