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going through the custom emojis like a movie makeover montage

to be fair the Entire soundtrack SLAPS and it would be nearly impossible for me to pick just one fave but,...(repeat back to the first toot)

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wonder if it says anything about me that one of my fav FF Tactics Advance tracks is called "unhideable anxiety" :blobjoy:

petition to Steam to remove the word "mature" from "mature content warning" so my epilepsy warning isn't implied to be sexy

lol I'm curious if companies are really going to redo all their packaging to reflect birdsites


just wanna drink coffee, eat spicy noodle, and lie

as someone that was around at the time, i can tell you with certainty that back in the 90s nobody watched tiktoks because turning your tv on its side was too much of a pain

my precious lil doggo has lots of fluffy beds but she loves sleeping on disposable grocery bags the most,...maybe she is a cat lol

am I over stimulated or just really really tired?

worst mystery 0/10 wouldn't recommend

I can barely handle tiktok compilations on youtube without getting a headache, can't imagine using the app raw

there's some sort of magic effect/attack in BG3 that sounds just like the ACNH shooting star SFX and it's messing with my head watching a pal play BG3

@kara impressive!

I'm curious, do y'all have public transport to and from the nearest airport?

that's pretty much the only reason why I use ride sharing

another classic episode of Waited Until (almost) the Last Minute Because I Thought I Could but Really Shouldn't Have

do I get an achievement for having a 'good morning' and a 'goodnight' toot adjacent to each other on my home timeline? ✨

is there anything cuter than the lil animated bird in Cheerful Choco discord sticker set?!

there's one where it's sitting on a model train waving I can't- 💞

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!