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hey, masto/fedi, if you're going to give me an annoying pop-up because I'm retooting something without an image description

at least give me the option to add one??? (OP can decide whether to keep or delete it)

like what the hell is the point of this pop up otherwise

cool story thanks pop-up bro 👎

when a really old plush falls apart, revealing it's ancient plastic beads of another era

This little guy is clearly running illegal SQUIRREL software on CAT hardware, but I'm still sharing it for #caturday.

#cat #cats #catstodon #catsofmastodon #humor #humour #funny #squirrel

i like the cute lower case anarchy symbol, @

the sheer amount of HP stuff I looked at tonight by accident because I let tiktok shopping compilations autoplay on youtube...

like it was implied these were new tiktoks...., people having a HP room in 2023...jfc

@digichelle I could write cursive at a mid level (early 2000's)

but I had an impossible time trying to read my classmates stylized cursive

even later when that really loose cursive script became popular for weddings and such, I still can't decipher it

weh,...I don't want to walk the dog but I really should walk the pupper

so youtube has this bug where it can pull chapter markers from a completely different video

guess I'll do the errands I need to and if I have any energy left over I'll try and wander over to the pool

had a rough night emotionally and then had an appointment this afternoon, did I miss something???

either it's in a spot I haven't looked or somehow got lost at the laundromat, not much of a mystery

what a weird item for someone to find, black tank top with strange disco men on it 🤣

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specifically said regular cello because this game's OST uses a lot of very old instruments, please go look it up it's very cool

so tl;dr if it's not a modern cello idk how to spell what it actually is lol

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apparently my personal hatred of most flutes goes that hard :(

I also really prefer the main emphasis being a string (I think it's a regular cello?) rather than a wind instrument

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ok I know I usually praise FF Crystal Chronicles for being perf all the time, but I like one of the original tracks better than the remastered version

(("The Midst of Sorrow's Gloom" for anyone curious))

‘Henry Ford invented the 40 hour work week’ is a very strange way to say ‘Henry Ford claimed credit for changes he was forced to adopt after a hard fought campaign by the union members he despised’.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!