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food cw 

thinking about that vanilla gelato in a mug with espresso brewed on top again

made by the same artist, which is still on my profile if you're interested

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I've been so out of it I forgot to change my icon for the summer :blobsleepless:

food & eating CW | caps lock 

stumbled on an Italian culture & memes instagram account and I've been MOANING at how AMAZING all this food and espresso looks

I want the fancy pizza SO BAD!!!

is 'crossplay' a term still used in cosplay fandom?

just *now* realizing with my buzzcut I could do a Lupin III cosplay :blobthinkingcool:

just did like 2 stressful calls in a row, I'm so cool & brave

🌱 Still need $330 or whatever the community can muster by tomorrow or we'll not get any of our $420 paycheck due to a negative balance. Consider helping a trans, disabled system buy groceries before their disability pay comes in on the 1st?

95 / 425

#MutualAidRequest #MutualAid #CrowdFund #CrowdFunding #NEISVoid #Help #BegPost #DisabilityCrowdFund #TransCrowdFund #Fundraising #Fundraiser @mutualaid

Lessening heat. The heat of summer has been forgotten. The rice has ripened and cotton flowers are in bloom. 🌾

food cw 

cannot believe I'm at a point in my life where if I bite a black peppercorn piece at just the right angle it's spicy

you're telling me a tailor made this solution?

Urgent, rent, please boost 

Hi. so our landlords *kindly* informed us they want rent early. This wouldn't be a problem if this wasn't before my partner's last paycheck this month, which was going to cover her portion of the rent.

I simply refuse to accept the risk of going homeless again. Please help protect an at-risk, disabled, trans femme in a hostile state to Zhr.

(more ways to help in replies)

#begpost #mutualaid #transcrowdfund #disabledcrowdfund

something super amusing to me is I would have forgotten the biology bit about the mitochondria if it wasn't such a consistent meme

life might just be a bunch of random things and events put together

but we decided this mess has meaning

so it does

(wizard voice) I will conjure the STRONGEST smalltalk this realm has ever seen! ✨

"I don't want to play Monopoly anymore"
Sticker spotted in Boston, Massachusetts

gonna buy Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on the switch the second it goes on sale again, because I really want to keep replaying it

but I don't want to pay PSN+ for one game

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!