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saw that tik tok about that guy going to the big chain craft store...

tfw you're like "baskets are on sale every Sunday"
"arranging those took forever and I hated it"


found some "dark chocolate biscuits" at the store and...I love these 😍

reminds me of a s'more minus the marshmallow? :blobyum:

you know what time it is!!!! saturday chillin baybeeeeeeeee

I am so thrilled I am finally done with my first NITW playthrough so I can finally look at fan art >w<

re: cooking & food 

fried eggs sunny side up with some microwave rice

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cooking & food 

making some late night early morning breakfast

this is my periodic reminder that there's a free trial of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles available on android/iOS

the trial only covers the first year, but if you're on the fence about whether you'd like the gameplay and aesthetic I highly recommend trying it out :3

sports anime/manga requirements

1. know things about a sport

2. make at least 40 side characters to represent the opposing teams

re: x-mas/christmas 

was 1000% convinced that Christians just really like singing about birds and jewelry

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I was today years old when I found out that Christians used to actually celebrate 12 days of Christmas, not just a festive song

I managed to make the scary important call right away after waking up

wasn't as bad as I thought it would be :3

(LRT) everyone go home, I found the best Every Lesbian toot

sports anime/manga requirements

1. know things about a sport

2. make at least 40 side characters to represent the opposing teams

tonight's got a weekend vibe, probably because I'm already pre-putting off an important phone call I have to make tomorrow

(LRT) sorry not sorry y'all, I see BlackRose on my timeline and I gotta boost

I'm not going to screencap it, but it goes along the lines of,

"I could've deleted you a long time ago, but I like your photos, so I'll continue to follow you, artist to artist"

😂🤣😂 suddenly feel so much better about my life choices

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Lol thanks flickr for saving a super condescending message from my first ex, now he's my first person I've blocked on that site 🙂

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!