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Us pol | us gov 

I woke up kinda late, had to rush to an appointment so I haven't had the time to post but I've been glued to the news but just in case I haven't said it enough


going through very old posts chronologically on my tumblr to try and find something AA related, instead having a bunch of weird fandom feels

the joke is more "wow they look almost the same" and less "wow they're the same character" but y'all gotta admit there are similarities between the 2 ships

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I'm rewatching Yuri On Ice!!, got a friend streaming Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, y'all know what that means

quote posting | yuri on ice 

((ep 4 at 18:57))

"Until recently I thought I was fighting all by myself

But then Victor came and I don’t feel that way anymore

Some things have changed, some are still the same

But now everything feels so new

I may never be able to regain what I’ve lost, but that’s Okay

Because for the first time I can remember, I can clearly see what’s in front of me."

((I did all of this by ear in a subtitles-less dub, plz forgive grammar mistakes))

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found the quote, turns out the part that stood out to me was the last third of a bigger quote, which is why I couldn't find it when I searched it earlier

trying to find 1 quote from a 12 ep series really shouldn't be this difficult

gifs I've uploaded, and then someone else uses them, get notifications on tumblr???

I mean, I didn't make the gif, but I'm curious where the NITW gif I uploaded is gonna go

looks like there's a lot of shipping art on my tumblr dash today

(turns her head up so she's looking directly into the camera)


This might be old news but PBS has some pretty cool documentaries

FFXIV MSQ spoilers 

Me, already in a bad mood: I'll play some FFXIV, it'll be fun

Bringing out the Dead MSQ: move all of your dead comrades (that haven't been claimed) into this wagon 🙂



Ugh that really stressed me out to type out but I'm glad I got it out there

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Im playing ffxiv and I find myself getting anxious/worried when I'm in a dungeon (group play)

Had a realization that my last D&D experience has scarred me in multiplayer games

But the bigger realization was that...I do not like roleplaying, like, at all

I've never been great at it when its just slice of life OCs in a chatroom

but I really hate going into dungeons blind, obviously struggling with no assistance or guidance, flirting with NPCs/the DM, things that are common in TRPGS :/

"I am not a furry, i only like to get art. I don't do fursuits or conventions."

My friend, how to tell you... that's the majority of the fandom.

has anyone beaten the Heavensturn event in FFXIV?

I'm gonna give it a second go, but last night that mochi monster was killing me in one shot

Medusa did nothing wrong. The sirens did nothing wrong. The harpies did nothing wrong. This has been a lady monsters of Greek mythology apologist toot

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!