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wonder if there's a way of adding pull lines (pulleys? pull cord?) into bat fursuit wings so the lower joints in the wing bend

joint bones in bat wings bend y'all

just say her name! her name is Christina Koch.
not the "who are you wearing" shit! unbelievable

I've been legit asking myself this since I finished poke SM this summer

tl;dr there's a sort of pokesnap-style mini-game? I guess? where you can take pictures of pokemon at certain spots and the better the photo is, the more "likes" you get

which are all fake, because it's a side stop distraction in a mainstream pokemon game

but those photos got more numbers than my original art ever did

so, might as well get fake numbers as motivation for real journaling, right?

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do I actually need social media?

or do I need a journaling app with cookie clicker aesthetics :blobcatoh:

the amount of shit I heard brushed under the excuse of,

"it was the pandemic, I didn't have anything to do!"

should've been a huge wake up call to everyone affected how much time is wasted keeping ourselves busy while things continue to get worse and worse

careers are dead

(last boost)

Do You Believe in Life After Work?

Do you really?

but for real, do you?

Do you really have a retirement plan?

Do you really have any plan at all for your life post work?

On a daily sense, in a long term sense, what are you going to do after work?

Do you really have anything to do, or sense of identity, outside of your job?

Careers are dead

You don't need fancy pens or notebooks to keep a journal and it might help to put your thoughts down somewhere.

little drink comm done for Kirin for Bday a while ago!

....did all the images hosted here break at some point? my whole media section is broken images

Cold dew. Temperatures begin dropping. The geese return for the winter. Crickets chirp for the last time in the year. 🏏

some really great art today

no boosts because they don't have image descriptions


when the image breaks,

and the image description is still there,

that's why

In the brief period between the introductions of dial-up Internet and Google, there was a market for link listings on paper
#vintage #gay #lesbian #online #book

joking/shitpost context 

goth gals + furries = witches

I did it, I solved the ancient mystery, I connected the dots :blobuwu:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!