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Mental Health | pos + 

I know I talk about brain training games/apps like all the damn time

but I do really feel more like myself and less like "a person that exists within brainfog" after playing a couple of games for a couple of days this week

I have too many trees and flowers for snowballs to form ;w;

kinda long 

yearly reminder there's a difference between "Let it Snow" and "Baby it's Cold Outside"

Let it Snow - everyone wants to be there, it could be snowmageddon outside but we'd rather be together next to the fire

Baby it's Cold Outside- I am willing to fight Jack Frost *tooth & nail* if it means I can leave this creepy gaze and/or this creepy situation

asking for reading suggestions | psychology | toxic individualism 

I'm doing some reading into "Toxic Individualism" but most of the articles I've come across are written by Americans or British writers

does anyone have some suggestions for material written by a writer with a collective perspective/experience? 🤔

seriously considering if I should consolidate all the art advice I've given online into one site/book/thing

speaking of raccoons, please play tanuki sunset. this game slipped under the radar and needs more attention

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got a bunch of decorations today for way less than I thought it would cost

taking a moment to appreciate the dollar store

alright youtube, show me your most Snap, Pop, and Crackle-ist fireplace videos for this winter holiday season

I've seen 2 different ppl on my twitter timeline have unboxing digimon card videos

is digimon suddenly popular again? did the card game become easier over time??

the primary reason english spelling is Like That so it would be as hard as possible for poor people to learn

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hate bein' hungry but like...cannot decide on something to make and eat XoX);

oops hyperfocused on a yuri manga and forgot to walk the dog (<o<);;;

a lengthy art explanation 

A watercolor block is a stack of watercolor paper that is attached together with an adhesive on all 4 sides

when an artist is done with a painting, there is a small crevice to use a blade to cut the top sheet off of the block for a new painting to start

the bottom of the block is cardboard, and there's usually a sheet of different paper that covers the top of the block

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...I need to figure out where I packed my watercolor blocks...

physically bored but mentally/socially still exhausted from the almost back to back discord calls I was making over the weekend

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!