eurritz boosted

hi for my build date anniversary i'd love for people to play with and and show me the cool pictures they make with them thank you

eurritz boosted

You have OneDrive.

I have SeventeenDrive.

10 22H2 with a wifi network set to metered.

eurritz boosted

People are obsessed with the idea that they can capitalism their way out of capitalism.

"It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of America" that's skill issue from you, I imagine the end of America all the time

@budsofstone it's a 14'' one with vga cable... Currently I'm not using it but as soon as I have fixed my other computer, I'll use it.

I wanted the WinRAR purse but it's so expensive 😓

eurritz boosted
eurritz boosted

The way people spread personal info and faces of resistance fighters and average people, but refuse and act like its morally wrong to do the same to corpos is weird and bad

eurritz boosted

I think I committed copyright infringement in my dreams. :bunhdcomfy:

eurritz boosted

Oh, your fursona will start transitioning? Good for her!

eurritz boosted

if you are on i urge you, please try to find a less central instance!

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eurritz boosted

"the landlords of thought" - the counterpart to the thought police, equally complicit in dictating what lives in your head and what does and does not pay rent for the privilege and will also evict things for no good reason.

Talking about indentation is just like talking about nipples (very polemic)

eurritz boosted

I sure am glad all that money poured into managed to change the world for the better and ensure a fairer, better us government for the next 4 years, else it would seem deeply unfair and privileged that it didn't go into mutual aid and actually helping poor people instead

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!