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@skelltan tbh i know next to nothing about the gameplay itself, ive mostly been told negatives about the subscription service and how its a waste of money, etc

ive heard such awful things about the ffXIV experience but at the same time so many of my friends are obsessed with playing as cat people online

tabbing over to "local" feels like going outside to stand on my porch and listen to my neighbors talk to themselves

mental health,negative 

it is so fucking funny to wake up after back to back nightmares and go “what the hell i thought i was over this” as if extensive childhood trauma is just shit you get over

cartoon penis so nsfw i guess? 

sorry i should elaborate this is my fiance btw i have agreed to marry this man in the near future

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“youre not supposed to use them for deity work” yeah i dont think he minds that much somehow idk just a feeling though

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wondering if i should get an athame for my work with Ares so i start looking around online for one mostly out of curiosity and almost immediately stumble upon the perfect one so i suppose that is a resounding yes

pov you are me trying to scroll federated posts but I keep losing my place because it keeps refreshing in real time and I keep getting increasingly frustrated

cartoon penis so nsfw i guess? 

im just sitting here staring at this discord message I received completely unprovoked and wondering what steps I took and what decisions I made in my life to end up here precisely in this moment.

@SteelWool seems like it. would be neat if there was a specific fickin instance

this would probably be easier if i werent so particular about the people i interact with on this subject

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winter storm warning today through saturday but i work at a hospital so i still have to go in 😔

cis people will say “i love men with boobs” and show an image of a cis man with slightly defined pectorals. fucking grow up

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!