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why does my brain keep playing Le Tigre's Much Finer at me, I'm not even doing that much

if you can be deprived can you also be prived


wait arrabbiata means WHAT

go home, italian, you're drunk

re: food 

@ak "Sure pancetta is a vegetable I guess" — Italian cooks


made italian-vegan pasta, which is to say the only animal products in it were butter and parmesan


I made brioche but whatsapp seems to be down so I can't share it with the person I usually share my baking adventures with, rip me

re: food, funny denglish 

@kirby ah, himbo flavoured

@cyrridven well you got one up on the UK, seeing how the first step happened

demand ducks

demand geese

demand the world ✊


chil! li! chil! li! chil! li! chil! li! chil! li!

@cyrridven type classes aren't science they're witchcraft and the three leaf types to your trifunctor are the maiden, mother and crone

@QuestForTori i saw this and was trying to puzzle the bottom/top meme out until i realised what it actually was


so I misread this as "modem" breakfast cereal and, *opens mouth, static and beeps come out*

Jenny H boosted

please remember to renew your lesbianism license in time, or grab a new pirated license from the pirate bay

@AgathaSorceress my dream is "everyone learns programming but not as a work thing, just to help them automate repetitive tasks and make cool toys"

re: screaming 

@mxsparks omg i am screaming (but for different reasons now)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!