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now it stopped and it sometimes makes clicking noises like it's trying to do something but failing
does that sound broken to anyone else because it sounds broken to me

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my freezer just started making a weird noise and i'm fairly sure it's the fan but like what the hell can i do about it

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

"Embedded software development" is when you write software in your bed

i am ο½†ο½Œο½•ο½†ο½†ο½™

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

A problem with tech regulation by moral panic is that it tends to lead towards contradictory regulation with massive unintended consequences. Nowhere is this as evident as with the current generation of laws intended to β€œprotect kids”.

In the US it’s state laws forcing websites to collect your government ID to restrict access to to people under 21. In Europe, it’s banning encryption to prevent people sharing CSAM. In both cases, these have real anti-democratic impacts.

taizou boosted

big thanks to all concerned for wasting my time & bullshitting me that it was still going to come until 10pm tonight

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finally got the notification that they had a nonspecific problem delivering it and will try again tomorrow. i'd left delivery instructions that work for 99% of other drivers and no attempt was made to contact me or anything like that. so i have updated the delivery instructions to be even more detailed. shrug emoji

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

hi please hire me to make you pixels i'm broke and unemployed and i need the money thanks for having boosted this post already i know you won't have failed me πŸ’œ

literally the same thing has happened again today. i just rolled the dice and had a shower anyway

btw what eventually happened the last time was, at some point later in the evening they phoned me and said they couldn't find my flat and i came out and met them on the side road. so i'm guessing they have some system where if they have trouble finding an address they press the "fuck this one off until later" button and come back to it after they've finished all the easy ones

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taizou boosted
taizou boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!