this is why I want a job.... put me in a place where I have to work and I will, but if I've got an unlimited timespan to do work in I won't do it
and it's got nothing to do with deadlines (they make it harder to work). it's entirely
"you're at the office from 9-5, so you're working from 9-5"
@lizardsquid Becoming your own boss is super hard. You can be too easy or too hard on yourself, and too hard leads you to not wanting to do anything but give up.
Still, you ARE your own boss. It's important to keep that in mind. You want to direct yourself.
get working avery [ 1 ]
@lizardsquid That's always the struggle for me, too, tbh; usually I need either a looming deadline or something to kick my ass in order to get working on things that need doing
I know deadlines make things harder for you, but maybe the latter might work?
get working avery [ 1 ]
@witchfynder_finder I'm not really sure what the latter one even means?
get working avery [ 1 ]
@lizardsquid Like. Not literally kick your ass, obviously. =P But someone to tell you "Hey. It's time to Do The Thing." when you can't get yourself motivated to Do The Thing.
get working avery [ 2 ]
@lizardsquid A good technique for maintaining focus is to schedule breaks. Give yourself a very specific 10 minute break every half hour or hour or whatever ends up working for you, and stick to the times.
get working avery [ 2 ]
@Fenreliania I've tried that before and it doesn't actually work for me, though
it works for the first hour, or two
but after that point my brain becomes a mess and I can't focus on anything
get working avery [ 2 ]
@lizardsquid It usually also involves taking like an hour break every 3-4 breaks, for that kind of reason.
That said, it could also be due to an attention disorder, or unreasonable amounts of stress. Where does your mind wander when you're unable to focus?
get working avery [ 2 ]
@Fenreliania nowhere, I'm trying to focus on the thing and failing to
get working avery [ 2 ]
@Fenreliania and I'm pretty sure I have some kind of attention disorder, given how literally nothing seems to work
get working avery [ 2 ]
@lizardsquid mmmm that's what I'm getting a lot of the time, right now. Sometimes recentering myself helps, writing out a list of things I need to do and their order so I can just follow it, breaking tasks down to help hold them in my head, trying to work on something else related or coming from a different angle, etc. just like, trying to reframe everything so I don't fall back into a mental static loop. That's what helps me, at least.
get working avery [ 3 ] (-)
@lizardsquid have you talked to a doctor about the issue? my flatmate used to forget her things all the time and could never concentrate for very long and stuff like that, and ended up with an Adult ADD diagnosis and medication for it and it's helped her tremendously
I need help with this, i guess
but I don't know how to fix it or how anyone would be able to help