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morrowind screenshots (openmw, lots of mods) [2] 

I like the moody vibe this screenshot gives off

[Image: it is dark and stormy. A few withered trees can be seen on a rocky hillside to the left. An imperial fort can be seen peeking out behind a rock, and atop the hill behind the fort is the silhouette of a strange dwemer ruin]

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morrowind screenshots (openmw, lots of mods) 

Fresh off the boat

[Image: a picture taken from the bow of a ship. A swamp stretches out as far as the eye can see, but it's a clear day at least. A iron and paper lantern is hanging from the stern, which is unusual and curves up and back towards the ship.]

windows, terrible 

Excuse me, windows????

When you updated your apps, why did you also install 1gb of games that I never asked for???????

christmas, Mari Lwyd, picture of a tweet, alcohol, caps 


ME: Why is there a creepy skeleton horse outside?
ME: But why?
ME: But—
[A picture of Mari Lwyd, a skeleton skull with a sheet and christmas decorations, on a Welsh hillside. Mari Lwyd is looking at the camera.]

Board Games 

I got another one of those crayon rail games, and this one is super pretty, so I want to share parts of it.

Picture 1: The board (which you draw on with crayon - each different kind of terrain costs a different amount of money to build to)
Picture 2: A couple of the foreman cards (which have certain benefits)
Picture 3: A couple of the trains and ships

Board Games 

Yesterday, I played Lunar Rails with some friends!

It's a game where you draw train routes on the moon with crayons.


I found a skin online that I like and still kind of has the same feel, so I'm going to try it out.

I feel weird about using a skin that someone else made, though.

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I want to make/get a new minecraft skin, but I have no idea what I'm doing.

My current minecraft skin is still what I made 9 years ago – pure black, with a white line along each limb, and two white lines for eyes:

html/css help wanted 

I have this table with three columns, with the middle column spanning multiple rows.

The default html behaviour is to try and maximise how much horizontal space is used, before using vertical space.

However, I want the middle column to fill up vertical space before it starts spreading out horizontally – I want that column to be as thin as possible.

How can I tell html to do this?

Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ Advice wanted 

In the course of doing this, though, I realised that the column for the Unbound stories makes no sense. The Unbound stories are all set in various parallel universes, with various "what if"s as the guiding principle behind the story. So instead of just saying which alternate reality characters are present, I've replaced the Featured Characters column with a "What if" column, explaining the core conceit of the story.

Do I need to clarify any of these?

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my latest minecraft house (1/2) 

Here's a tour of my latest minecraft house!

The roof is a little weird and I want to redesign it, but I'm happy with the rest of the house.

It all fits within one chunk!

small apartment floor plan 

Here's the room I had when I was living at university.

They could make it really small because *all* of the amenities were shared, which I'm realising is actually a very good idea.

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Apartment block floor plan (attempt 1) 

I tried to make a 10m×10m apartment block, with 4 Apartments and a shared laundry on each level.

It didn't quite work - there's a lot of tight squeezes, not enough space, and the corridor is too long and wide.

(the weird pacman shape is a staircase)

Horrible apartment floor plan 

I'm messing around in a floor plan maker, and decided to create this horrible apartment:

It's 3m×3m, and contains a bathroom, and a bedroom/kitchen!

low quality selfie (no eye contact), possibly eye strain 

check out my new pajamas!

Classic Doctor Who ░ Planet of Evil 

Here's a shot of (part of) the jungle set.

It looks really good in motion, but it's hard to get a decent screenshot of it.

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Classic Doctor Who ░ Planet of Evil 

I'm watching Planet of Evil, and the first thing I noticed is that the sets are really really good.

The jungle set looks incredible, and scary and alien; and the TARDIS is finally back, so we get to see the new interior, and it's quite nice!

(The TARDIS interior was last seen 2 seasons ago, in February 1974. The new TARDIS interior quietly debuted in this episode, in September 1975).

Images: the first image is the 3rd Doctor's TARDIS, the second is the 4th's

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Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ Advice Wanted 

I'm considering re-arranging the tables.

Which of these do you think is better?

(Images: 2 versions of the same table.
In the left version, each row is ordered as: Audio Drama name, then Review, and then the featured characters.
In the right version, each row is ordered as: Audio drama name, then the featured characters, and then the review )

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!