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i like how toby fox mostly acts professional and normal but then glimpses of his sense of humor come thru sometimes. like this

Good morning! Let me share a WIP to begin the day. It's still mess and some things need fixing but she's coming together!
She's the next tea girl in my series. It's butterfly pea tea from the region of Bengal/India.

#MastoArt #Wip #SlimeGirl

re: ADHD (~), meds I am on meds - originally they were wearing out before I got home, but I've been taking an extra dose in the afternoon to combat that.

The extra dose doesn't seem to make a huge amount of difference, though

ADHD (~) 

I'm struggling with my ADHD at the moment.

At work, it's fine! I'm able to concentrate and everything.

But at home, I'm really struggling. I get home at 6pm.
It takes me over an hour to cook dinner, and I often just forget to clean up afterwards.

I sit down to watch a few videos during dinner, and then it's suddenly 9:30pm and I don't have time for any of the things I was planning on doing because I have to go to bed at 10pm.

idk what to do

ADHD specific advice would be appreciated

Mwynhau gweu neu grosio? Rydyn ni'n chwilio am bobl i greu sgwariau gwlân i'n prosiect addysg a chymuned yn ardal #steddfod2023. Methu gweu ond eisiau helpu? Beth am gyfrannu gwlân i'r prosiect?
Rhagor ▶️

Are you a keen knitter or crocheter? We need your help! We're looking for people to create squares for our #steddfod2023 community and education project. Can't knit but want to help? We need lots of wool! Join us today! More ▶️ #knitting #crochet #crafts #cymru

There once was a man
from Peru, whose limericks all
looked like Haiku. He

said with a laugh, "I
cut them in half! The pay is
much better for two!"

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blarg, I was planning on working on my conlang this evening but it's already 9pm and I'm struggling to think

Video captures from tonight. I'm cosplaying the pretty pink robot princess named Upgrade from Steam Powered Giraffe!

I'm still slowly migrating art to Masto, so here's a daily patch of 'em. Some of the #nature art stuff I've made this year. #art #MastoArt pulp fiction like on the left and #fantasy on the right! ☺️

It's time for the winged heart fox ♥🦊♥ Commission for NovaSquirrel!

One of my favourite microtonal musicians has released a new album, and the opening track is WILD

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!