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I use high-end audio equipment so I can fully appreciate the compression artifacts in the music I stream from youtube

@rey sad you got to miss out on the sneps! But getting some rest is good - that's what I'm doing this weekend, after an exhausting week

@Xkeeper I'm still only just waking up, so I only partially exist right now!

4) "Slug" by Nagasawa Rosetsu (1754-1799 CE), ink on paper, in the San Diego Museum of Art

#Slug #NagasawaRosetsu #Edo #Ink

@alice I did, thank you love!!!!

I hope you had a gentle and soft snooze!


What if... We went into the pillow pile and snuggled?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!