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What if... our brains were scrongled together in the psychic brain soup, and intermingled in a way that was hard to disentangle..... haha jk. Unless...?

kobold gentlying (affection) 

*kobold youtuber voice* if you liked the video, be sure to gently that kobold

-- cherry opossum ❤️

Commission: Lockscreen, two nerds looking at a vintage PC (IBM PCjr)

Rani (husky) and Ravi (sergal) belong to posgrl (FurAffinity)!


Some days you have a brilliant idea --

-- then realize that not only did it first occur to you 20 years ago, but that you've put it in five+ books over the years and written at least 20k words on it.

Such is life.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!