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@alice I've heard that the secret to being a cool kid is to just make a claim that sounds cool, like "MY HARDEST CHALLENGE YET???”

This is your periodic reminder that, unless you buy and download the music you love, it will absolutely disappear out from under you at some point.

I failed to heed my own advice! This album is pretty obscure, sure, but now it's grayed out on Apple Music, and totally gone from the iTunes Store, so too late there. Bummer.


In a very snuggly and kissy mood tonight...

Everyone put your beans, claws and various appendages together for......ME!!

-comes out on stage and immediately trips-

Saying this out loud to shame myself: Drink more water, you dehydrated chunk of jerky! You are literally a piece of meat and meat needs to have SOME moisture to be a tasty snack.

Are you a tasty snack?

Damn right you are. Now DRINK!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!