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I played a cute little sapphic visual novel today called "her tears were my light" - it's about Time & Space being in love.

Traditional art piece I did for EF ArtShow last year ! ☠️🦜

Still have to work on something for this edition... 🙄🤭

#furryart #furryartist #mastoartist


the thing I really liked about it was that despite it clearly being directly inspired by mario maker, they made some changes to really make levelhead unique.

In particular: you are a delivery bot. In each level you must find the package, and then take it to the end. And when you have the package, it can be thrown around or left on buttons and such.

This automatically opens up so many more possibilities than just "go to the end of the level".

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re: University 

@anna reminds me of a course I did where the lecturer seemed *proud* that the course only had a 2/3rds pass rate.
And the first time I asked a question, he just stared at me like I was a complete idiot for 10 seconds, and then moved on with the lecture.

do you like clicking buttons?

@alice sorry to hear about the rough week!

I unfortunately am quite sick....

⭐️✨Pokémon TF Iron Artist - Day 9✨⭐️
~Ziggybull as Mew~

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!