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it's the strangest thing but i can't be arsed signing things these days

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here's something i made, with and without transparency

check before criticising pls, i struggle with putting things i know into practice bc of attention span stuff

(ok to boost)

SquidOS Status: exhausted from social contact, will probably just lie in bed and watch Doctor Who

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I'm going to start winding down for the evening... see you all later!

(traditional) tabletop roleplaying 

Note 1: PC stands for Player Character

Note 2: this only applies to more traditional games, where the players are all supposed to get along and work together. This doesn't apply to games where the characters are *supposed* to be antagonistic towards each other

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(traditional) tabletop roleplaying 

in response to a question about a problematic player:

"We had to explain the social contract of traditional RPGs to him.

There are a few things expected of all PCs:

‣ PCs are expected to get along to some degree
‣ PCs will (in the gross majority of cases) not willfully act against the party
‣ PCs generally give other PCs the benefit of the doubt
‣ PCs will buy-in (to the game and the collective story)"

Miniature painting 

Finally! I'm done.
Minus a few touch ups - I've missed painting
:dragn: :dragn: :dragn:

subtooting, common meme, D&D 

There are so many stories of D&D players pulling shenanigans that break the narrative/suspension of disbelief, and upset the DM.

If you've got a situation where someone in the game is regularly upset about what's happenning, then something has gone wrong.

And that's what makes me uncomfy about these stories... at best they present D&D as though it's a game about beating the GM, and at worst they show social dysfunction and malice

$ (-) 

I didn't get any billable hours last month and I don't have any indication that I'll get any this month. (In fact, I've barely heard from my clients at all for several weeks.)

At this rate, I'm going to run out of money by the end of the month, and this in a time when I also need to focus on moving by the end of the year and finding more work in general.

If you have a few dollars you could toss my way, I'd appreciate it.

How to make fantasy maps

(Please let me know what you think, and share this with anyone who might be interested!)

Programming, LISP, liberation of thought 

LISP has jokingly been described as “the most intelligent way to misuse a computer”. I think that description a great compliment because it transmits the full flavour of liberation: it has assisted a number of our most gifted fellow humans in thinking previously impossible thoughts.

- Edsger Dijkstra, The Humble Programmer

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!