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[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

I listed to the first episode of slipback – it's not amazing, but it's so much better than Doctor Who and the Pescatons... if only because it is internally consistent... and doesn't have terrible grammar... and has good performances... and is augmented by background music...

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | thanks 

The Audio Dramas I was looking for are available on audible, which is something at least.

A friend gifted me a copy, so I'll be listening to them shortly...

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | help wanted 

@lizardsquid Slipback and The Ghosts of N-Space are both on Audible.

[Doctor Who] audio dramas | help wanted 

(I should say that while I am willing to pay some amount, I'm not willing to pay very much – I've heard that Slipback is really bad, and I've heard nothing about the other two.)

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | help wanted 

I'm still looking for the following BBC audio dramas:

• Slipback (1985)
• The Paradise of Death (1993)
• The Ghosts of N-Space (1996)

If anyone knows of a way to get them (even if it's "pirating"), I'd appreciate it.

(I'm also looking for a way to get the BBV audio dramas, but I suspect that's going to be much more difficult, especially since BBV no longer exists.)

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I'm going to go lie in bed, and hopefully fall asleep!


[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

I've had to add a "don't listen" category to my guide, JUST for Doctor Who and the Pescatons.

I strongly suspect that it will be the only story on this page to get a "don't listen".

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

alright, now that's finally finished…

my main question is... how did this happen? How did the writer (who had written for Doctor Who before) end up writing something that was so garbage?

How did the producers not notice that something was wrong?

How did Tom Baker narrate and perform this without going "hold on a minute, this doesn't feel right."

Doctor Who and the Pescatons is, almost certainly, the worst Doctor Who story I've had the displeasure of experiencing

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

also, Sarah Jane and the Doctor are simultaneously acting like they've been travelling together for ages AND like they've only barely met each other.

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

The Doctor: But what if my plan didn't work? Hadn't Zor proved himself to be invincible and all powerful?

um... no? There was no proof of that.

Also, the Doctor keeps saying that the Pescatons are evil, which.... feels really out of character.

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

(my editor brain really wants to fix that first sentence too... why is it "had"??? it should be "we were locked in a mental battle, as the mighty zor struggled to absorb my knowledge")

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

Like, here's the actual thing word for word:

"we had been locked in mental battle, as the mighty zor had struggled to absorb my knowledge of the galactic universe and solar system.
However, my resistance was more than the pescaton leader had anticipated, and his mental pressure was no match for the special powers I had been gifted with.
I found my way back to the surface, and escaped from the evil that had almost engulfed me on the planet of pesca."

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

in the scene I just listened to, the Doctor was captured, held prisoner, and then while imprisoned subjected to a mental battle.

...but then suddenly he just leaves???? He goes directly from "being captured" to "having escaped".

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas 

I'm listening to Doctor Who and the Pescatons.

This is really, really bad. It's confusing, it keeps switching tense between sentences (sometimes it's present tense, sometimes it's past tense), and the main plotline is basically "some aliens ask for the Doctor's help to resettle after their planet is destroyed, and he says no because... reasons?"

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | behind the scenes 

This also will make it much easier to implement things like next/previous buttons, without having to manually put them in

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[Doctor Who] audio dramas | behind the scenes 

I've simplified a part of my source file, so now instead of each segment being a big multi-line thing with a bunch of html, it's just a single line:

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Computer Fairies

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