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hyopthetical compressed UI in mastodon 

• Make the "write a toot" column miniscule when not in use, and make all other columns expand to be as wide as possible
• Remove the buttons from underneath a post, and move them to the right of the post.
• If there are 2 toots in a row from the same person, don't redraw the username and avatar, just put a line between them.

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I really want a masto interface that takes up less vertical space...

Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ coding things 

If you're curious, the source for my website is here:

`Filter.hs` and `Abbrevs.hs` contains all the code that allows me to make the audio guide without having to write lots of repetitive html.

The file that contains the actual content of the audio guide is `src/doctor-who/`.

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Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ coding things 

This was actually quite complicated to do: my source file is markdown, and markdown's convenient table format doesn't support tables with custom colours on each row. I could use custom colours if I manually make the tables in html but that makes them very hard to edit.

So what I had to do is make a filter that converts the markdown tables into html tables, then looks inside the table to see what my review is, and then sets the row colours accordingly

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Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ Update ✨ 

Update: I got rid of some javascript!

Previously, the page would load all the tables, but the table rows would just be a default colour. Then, a script would go through each table and set each row to the appropriate colour.
This meant that whenever you loaded the page, the colours would suddenly pop in after a second or two.

But now: all that processing happens ahead of time, so the colours are already there when you load the page!

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there is nothing funnier than giant salamanders they look exactly the way the word "slorp" sounds

Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ Upcoming Stuff 

I'm looking forward to an upcoming audio drama, which they just announced is going to feature a meeting between the first and second doctors.

Here's a behind the scenes video of Frazer Hines and Peter Purves playing the 2nd and 1st Doctors:

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The fortune teller regarded the crow perched upon her scrying orb. Her window was open, so its presence was not inexplicable.

It held in its beak a large silver coin.

"Are you an omen?" she asked in a cautious, polite tone.

The crow puffed up and shook its head, then dropped the coin into her payment bowl.

"Ah, I see," she murmured, taking a seat," This will work better if you sit elsewhere."

The crow hopped down obediently.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #UrbanFantasy

*wriggles into an old floppy drive slot and sleeps in there*

version control 

I've been messing around with pijul — it's really amazing

A Reminder to everyone that just because a photo has is marked as having a "Creative Commons" License, that doesn't mean "Free Stock Photos".
If you don't read work's CC conditions, you may find yourself at the wrong end of a license fee demand. #copyright #cc #licensing

Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ Update ✨ 

I've now listened to all of segment 9!

Next up is some more Bernice Summerfield, which I am looking forward to!

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⚠️ -> :netkitty: <- ⚠️

thank you for the attention :3

I think the only reason I haven't switched to Dvorak is that my text/document editor and browser use vim key bindings, so I'd have to relearn all of that, fighting against my muscle memory...

Classic Doctor Who 

And now I've finished Season 12!

It was really good — I think Ark in Space is up there as one of the best stories in Classic Doctor Who, and Genesis of the Daleks is one of the most important.

I've now seen 401 episodes (47.17%), and recommend 217 of them (54.11%)

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Classic Doctor Who ░ Revenge of the Cybermen 

I wish this story was better. It's the only time that the 4th Doctor encounters the cybermen, and it's a somewhat dull one.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!