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bethesda broke their computers so now you can download the good elder scrolls for free all this week

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Dark Souls III, body horror 

I'm playing Dark Souls III and I'm really loving that they decided to mix in a few more cosmic-horror style elements into their fantasy game.

Like these ossified folk, reaching out in a desperation that is never heard

so last weekend i went to london to catch up with some friends and play some D&D. so here's some sort of crossover or something

Mastodon allows a maximum of four images per post because a human has four eyes.

Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ New Intro 

I've rewritten the intro section: it's now longer, but it should give readers a bit more flexibility.

Since it's quite long, I won't ask anyone to do this for me, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new intro section (it's everything before the segments themselves).

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TECH NEWS: New intel chips coming out this fall have a new protection domain called "Ring -6" which exposes an API to adjust the physical layout of components on the motherboard

Hear ye, hear ye, fediverse! :blob_rave:

With @milia we worked for a few days on a small web project and we are happy to share it with you today!

It's called Souvenir ~

The principle is simple: you can capture a few seconds of your camera and it generates a gif.
It's a mix between Polaroid and the magic photos from Harry Potter!

❖ Now let’s make souvenirs (and share them if you want 👀)

The castle was crumbling.

The Royals & Nobles had fled, finding themselves helpless after a curse had vanished every servant, serf & peasant.

Or so they were lead to believe.

Piece by piece the castle was disassembled, its stones used to create new homes. Most of the Royal pleasure gardens were plowed for additional farmland.

Hunting commenced in the plentiful Royal Forests, with no fear of incarceration.

The commoners finally thrived.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #Fantasy

Breaking news in the algorithmic/arithmetic world!

Integer multiplication in time O(n · log n). [1]

It means you can multiply two n-bits integer using roughly n log n operations. It's a *very* important problem because a lot of mathematical software rely on efficient integer multiplication.

It breaks the last best known algorithm [2] (Schönhage–Strassen), that was in O(n · log n · log log n)


#maths #algorithm

Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ New Intro 

I've rewritten the intro section: it's now longer, but it should give readers a bit more flexibility.

Since it's quite long, I won't ask anyone to do this for me, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new intro section (it's everything before the segments themselves).

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(this is said on the site itself, but to be clear: this is just the mutant standard ✨ emoji on a background that matches my site's colourscheme.)

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I finally got around to making a favicon for my site....

it's only been... 2 years...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!