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Hi Una!

I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding how to get forgery working. I can select various things in the options menu, but the server side tweaks don't carry through when I start a new game, only the client side things do.

How do I get a singleplayer world to match what I've selected in the fabrication config?

modded minecraft, request 

I'm starting a modded minecraft 1.16.4 playthrough soon, do any of y'all have any mod suggestions?

Favourite mods, or mods I might not have heard of?

(Using the forge mod loader, so I can't access fabric mods, unfortunately)


a noise, not screen reader friendly 

ɠ ɭ o r ɠ ?

context re: fractela 

The Magpies
Season 2 Episode 19: A Demonic Visitation

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we can't apply lobster logic to a demon!

someone should do one of those 24/7 twitch streams where they just play an audio feed from a microphone placed somewhere in illinois, and have the stream title be illinoise

aliens: we are real

me: wow!

aliens: we're sure whatever text encoding standard you use will be able to handle the 1 million characters' worth of new scripts we're bringing with us

me: actually you need to leave

re: doctor who, social media, negative (no spoilers, but discussion of the concept of spoilers) 

In the past I've said "I don't really care about spoilers". But that was from a perspective where I only occasionally saw spoilers, and mostly for things I wasn't sure I was going to watch.

But getting spoiled for *absolutely everything* is emotionally draining.

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doctor who, social media, negative (no spoilers, but discussion of the concept of spoilers) 

despite doing *absolutely everything I could* to avoid spoilers, I once again saw the major reveal of today's episode online before I had the chance to watch the episode itself.

So now I'm up to 11 episodes in a row that were spoiled for me, long before I could have watched them. I'm so sick of this.

re: microtonal music 

And there's this fun fractal music video to go with one of the tracks:

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I felt like taking a break from working on commissions to draw my fursona wearing The Witchiest Sock Choice.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!