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I want to be
In the deep sea
With the creatures which sparkle
Despite all the dark-le

There aren't many good up-close pictures of Batlina yet, so I asked for some help.

Support your local malls, and your local mall goths.

I've been having a fun time reading random chapters on WALS lately - learning a whole bunch of random linguistics things, and confronting my internal assumptions as a 99% monolingual English speaker

youtubers will really make videos consisting of 3 jokes and a wikipedia fact that would take 30 seconds to recite and stretch it out to 8 minutes and get millions of subsribers

"you are what you eat"

damn no wonder i'm chicken sandwich

if you use the default heart emoji that just means you have a red fursona, sorry i don't make the rules 💙

Well. Did a stream. Didn't last long. Head hurts.

Really not liking these new meds actually. Nice when it feels like I'm fighting AGAINST them to be able to work on stuff. But hey, got some commission work done and drew this cutie.

furry art, a dragon with xeir titty out 

a new dragon sona has appeared!

this is ash, xey/xem pronouns

conlang | yobo wugu dan [05] 

Some other fun things wugu dan has:

• Reduplication

tā kerō
1sg sing[IPFV]
"I sing/am singing/was singing/..."

tā kerōro
1sg sing~PFV
"I sung"

• four noun classes:

I - people, birds
II - aquatic creatures
III - other animate
IV - inanimate

With agreement for these classes showing on possessor marking, measure words, and possibly some adjectives?

• measure words

You can't say "6 dogs", you must say "6 <measure word> dogs".

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conlang | yobo wugu dan [04] 

This essentially means that some switch reference markers can convert ergative nouns into absolutive ones, and visa versa.

There's still a lot of details to work out (significantly, what these markers actually sound like, and how they behave morphologically), but I definitely feel like I'm heading into new (to me) linguistic territory and exploring things

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!