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Let's find all the conlangers in the Fediverse. Boost this if you're a #conlanger

One of the unexpected joys of the fediverse over other places is the addition of weird domains appended on to everyone's usernames.

It makes the web feel like more than just four websites again.

It's both a signal of a smaller more intimate internet and also a larger and far more diverse internet at the same time!

Did you see the news that all of the #JWST instruments are aligned now?

Check out this comparison of one of the newly released calibration images from the MIRI instrument compared to images taken of the same region of space by the WISE and Spitzer space telescopes! Look at that resolution! So many newly resolved stars and structures! 🤩

I can't wait for all the new discoveries we'll make with JWST! #Science data starts in only a couple months!

(Image from @/AndrasGasper on birdapp)

Oh gods... I started another modded run of fallout New Vegas, and it's making me want to mod Morrowind again

vtuber, multiple eyes, eye contact 

I just found a vtuber with 4 eyes!
Their model is so cute!!!

I'm reading a linguistics paper called "Exploring Clause Chaining". It's about 18 pages long, so I was expecting it to be a short read, but it's.... So dense...

It has taken me up to page 11 to start actually understanding it XD

I want to be
In the deep sea
With the creatures which sparkle
Despite all the dark-le

Hi! I'm Kalea, and I'm going to peek around, try to softly say hello, and share art from time to time. ^^

this my 1000th post on mastodon i dont have anything to say just take a look at this

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!