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re: Genshin impact | 3 

Here's an image I found online... it's such a good dragon design!!!!!

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re: Genshin impact | 2 

heck, a dragon!
it's a beautiful one, but I couldn't get a screenshot...

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what's the difference between a cow and persona 4? 

a cow can't be milked for 14 years

mom... dad... i'm a homomorphism such that f(x · y) = f(x) · f(y)

Pac-Man Museum+ [3] 

One thing that's odd about the collection is the way you actually access the games - rather than having a menu, there's a virtual 3d arcade, and you play as a 3d Pac-Man walking around between arcade machines.

I'm not sure how much I like this - especially since the background arcade sounds are so loud - but it is cool that playing the arcade games gives you items you can use to customise the arcade.

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Pac-Man Museum+ [2] 

* if you lose all your lives, you get the option to insert another coin and continue from where you left off, rather than getting a game over and starting over from the beginning
* So many other little things

I think Arrangement could be a strong contender for "new favourite Pac-Man variant", but I'll need to play it a few more times to be sure

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Pac-Man Museum+ [1] 

I played around in Pac-Man Museum+ today - it's a collection of a whole bunch of Pac-Man games (mostly arcade), and I have thoughts.

I finally got to try out Parman Arrangement (arcade version), which does a whole bunch of really fun things:
* Everything is all wiggly
* A special Ghost will appear - it starts out blue (edible), and if you catch it then all the other ghosts become edible too. But if you DON'T catch it, it will merge with another ghost and give it a super power

Prepping the free-to-read web version of Nevi'im, book 3 of the Post-Self cycle~ The book will be out July 21 as paperback, ebook, and browser version

You can read the first two books for free, as well!



I make all my writing (or at least all I can) free to read in the browser, 'cause things kinda suck out there, and I'd like them to be accessible.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!