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re: worldbuilding 

And so for the Wụūgụ people, I kind of feel stuck - there are so many different ways of organising societies, how do I just choose (or invent) ONE??

And any choice I make is going to have huge impacts on how the rest of things go.

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re: worldbuilding 

One of the things I'm struggling with is working out the economy/governance.

Here's a few real-life systems:
* the Inca empire (the empire provides food + clothing in exchange for labour; the empire does not trade with others because it just conquers them instead)
* Aboriginal (Australian) groups (in group people do tasks as per social roles; trading with other groups is gift-exchanges)
* Igbo communities (republic of village-states; with organised markets)

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today I've done some research into:
* The Inca Empire
* Traditional Woodblock printing in Japan
* The Igbo, Yoruba, and Javanese calendars
* Yoruba and Inca religions

and the cool thing is: I'm learning a lot!

the less-cool thing is: oh gods there are so many decisions to be made with my worldbuilding project and I have no idea which ones are the Right™ ones.

conlangs, reddit (~) 

There's lexicon-building challenge happening this month on reddit, and I think the challenge looks really well made:

I don't think I'll have time to do it this month (I'm super busy for the next 1.5 weeks), but... it looks like a great challenge: multiple prompts, and rules to encourage you to do more interesting things (words with multiple meanings, homophones, deriving words from other words, etc)

conlangs, reddit (~) 

There's lexicon-building challenge happening this month on reddit, and I think the challenge looks really well made:

I don't think I'll have time to do it this month (I'm super busy for the next 1.5 weeks), but... it looks like a great challenge: multiple prompts, and rules to encourage you to do more interesting things (words with multiple meanings, homophones, deriving words from other words, etc)

Rayman 3, poll :boost_ok:​ 

I'm getting back into playing Rayman 3, and I'm torn...

On the one hand, I'd love to play with the Better Rayman 3 mod, which allows widescreen resolutions and playing in a window!

On the other hand, it's not allowed in speedruns, and I love doing speedruns of Rayman 3!

Maybe I could take the opportunity to try out playing in a gamecube emulator? The Gamecube speedruns allow for the most glitches...
What do you all think?

re: Rayman 3, poll :boost_ok:​ 

I guess I should note for this: the glitches on PC are the ones I'm used to, so if I go for the GCN emulator route, I would have to re-learn the speedrun...

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Rayman 3, poll :boost_ok:​ 

I'm getting back into playing Rayman 3, and I'm torn...

On the one hand, I'd love to play with the Better Rayman 3 mod, which allows widescreen resolutions and playing in a window!

On the other hand, it's not allowed in speedruns, and I love doing speedruns of Rayman 3!

Maybe I could take the opportunity to try out playing in a gamecube emulator? The Gamecube speedruns allow for the most glitches...
What do you all think?

NaijaVoices in #Nigeria is searching for a Technical Support Officer. A bachelor in IT or language.

"The “NaijaVoices” project aims at providing digitization support for low-resourced Nigerian-African languages through the development of 500-hour speech datasets in each of the three African languages - Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa, which are spoken in Nigeria and some other parts of the world."


blurgle.... I have to attend class, when all I really want to do is work on my conlang....

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!