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rewatching steven universe makes me want to make some gem OCs

[6] steven universe 

I also love how Sardonyx is nothing like either Garnet or Pearl, but she also totally makes sense as their fusion - she's so very careful with her speech, even though she's hamming it up and putting on a good show

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[5] steven universe 

I love all the character designs in this show, but I had forgotten how good Sardonyx is!

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Some guy: so i invented a shrink ray but it turns out when you near-instantly compress someone's body to doll size, they die, because that is obviously what would happen. so this is kinda useless unless you wanna use it as the world's most ridiculous gun.
The Master: yES

[4] steven universe 

I have noticed for the first time that the devices in the kindergarten (used to make new gems) are shaped like viruses!

That's a really cool design choice

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[3] steven universe 

What this does is it gives the worldbuilding and the characters space to breathe - it allows us to get used to everything before giving us something really meaty to chew on, rather than just throwing all these facts at us right out of the gate.

I honestly think that only 3 or so episodes of the first 50 are truly skippable, and it's only because they add very little to the characters.

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[2] steven universe 

I remember back in the day, people were saying "hey, you can skip most of season one, just start at the finale"

And I hated that advice - because the first season is full of great episodes.
The big thing I've really enjoyed from rewatching the first season is how they build up these mysteries and only *very slowly* explain them.

They don't explain fusion until episode 12, for example, and they don't talk about how the monsters are actually just corrupt gems until way later.

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[1] steven universe 

I've been rewatching Steven Universe, and a number of things have stood out to me

I forgot how early into the show Stevonnie appeared. And I love that everyone thinks they're amazing!

In the same episode, we get some nice foreshadowing for Garnet being a fusion:

Pearl: Nobody expects you to be able to perform fusion right away, steven
Amethyst: Yeah! It's really hard, even for us!
Garnet: Not for me.

ultrakill chapter 5 

Finally getting around to chapter 5 of ultrakill, and it's so good!!!

I love the new aesthetic for these levels - it's all about water, and it's such a nice palette change.

I also love the new mechanic of idols, which are statues which prevent you from damaging an enemy until you find them and punch them to smithereens

are there any good voxelly games for like... making cute houses and areas?

ph (-) 

I'm sitting at home sick, and I want to play a video game but I'm scared that being sick might make me not enjoy it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!