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are there any android apps that allow you to play a chime or some kind of sound at a specific time?

I want the sound to just play once and then stop.

re: programming 

I then extended the idea further to like... a programmable data soup.

So instead of it being functions embedded in a spreadsheet, it's a programming environment where spreadsheets are embedded inside it

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I have had this idea for a program for ages, but I don't think I'm ever going to be able to make it.

The idea started out as a spreadsheet app, but where the formulas are based on haskell/lambda calculus - crucially:
* the syntax is much nicer than excel's standard.
* first class functions abound - you can pass functions to other functions. You can put a function in a cell without applying it, and then later use that function against values elsewhere.

little-known fact, but PHP is actually short for "please headpat". because the programmers who have to deal with the language need it

I want endless "watching silly videos" time as well as endless "getting things done" time

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fnaf, game design thoughts 


I've been thinking about how one of my favourite parts of the fnaf games is that they're about managing several things at once in a tense situation.

It's also the thing I liked about Papers Please.

Are there any other games that capture this same kind of spirit (excluding clones of fnaf/papers please)?


English reduplication like this always uses a high vowel and then a low vowel - I wonder if there are languages which do the opposite?

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it's time for squash!

squash your plushes and cushions and such!

gender, clothing 

I want to push my fashion and appearance in a more interesting direction - something more than just my usual outfits (top, jeans, cardigan)

But I'm not sure where to start - what can I do to mix up my fashion in small steps at a time?

re: apocalyptica (fiction) 

You can always tell when you're getting close to the old city - the air raid sirens were turned on many decades ago, but no one stayed to turn them off again.

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apocalyptica (fiction) 

A deep grey fog whispers across the shattered flats, it's tendrils curling round the occasional tree (or what remains of one at least) and shrouding it in darkness.

TTRPG nonsense 

slides into your DMS*

*Dungeon Master Screen


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!