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I keep waking up and falling asleep, so I'm going to try to go to bed for real now, goodnight

I remember having a mood ring as a kid, and being obsessed with it for however long i had it

re: linux shell thoughts 

Like, a shell script that reads files gets a "ReadsFiles" type tag. And one that writes files gets a "WritesFiles" type tag.

And then a script can only be run within a specific context - like, if you're writing a script that only reads files, you can't use any commands or other scripts that might write to files.

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linux shell thoughts 

I have on several occasions dreamt of making an alternate command line shell for linux.

Most of my initial thoughts are making something functional (so you get even more expressivity and ability to manipulate commands).

But I also just saw something that made me think: what if it had safety systems as well?

Inspired by complex effect systems in dependently typed languages: what if shell scripts were given a type that indicated what kind of access it has?

re: Rayman 2 

Also: one of the things I love in the Rayman series is that literally every single entry is a reboot, but doesn't care about being one?

Who Rayman is, where he's from, and what the world is like and so on is so different from game to game

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Hmmm.... I'm feeling depressed, so I kinda want to go out and get a nice burger for dinner.

But also.... I really should be trying to eat less takeaway

Struck with sapphic thoughts, but alas I have 2 hours left of work

Rayman 2 

I love how in Rayman 2 you meet the actual literal god who created the world, Polokus.... And they're a long-armed frog in a silly hat.

[Can't do image descriptions right now sorry]

irrelevant gripe 

The latest update for Firefox on Android has added "swipe down to refresh".
And it mostly is great... Until I'm trying to scroll up in mastodon and suddenly the page refreshes instead

I just went for a walk and found something very strange. Do any of you know what these are? Maybe a slime mold, maye a jelly fungus but I really don't know.
#SlimeMolds #Mushtodon #Sporespondence #Mushrooms #Fungi #Tasmania #TasmanianForest #MysteryOrganism

psa: some form of CurseForge zero-day vulnerability has been discovered, existing files are being modified to contain malware and even 2fa-protected accounts are uploading malicious files

do not download any files from CF today

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!