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my WORMS folder on my coputer is so huge... 4.5 wrigglebytes

Question for you (the creature/robot/entity reading this): Do you play metroidvanias?

If so, which ones have you liked?

Are there any weird obscure ones that you rarely see folks talk about?

re: Pseudoregalia 

I think this game has made me understand why people play metroidvanias, so I've added a bunch more of those to my wishlist!

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I have been playing pseudoregalia - it's so good!

The goat lady main character is pretty, the movement systems are weird but also feel amazing once they click, and I love the PS1 aesthetic

the only problem: I keep going "oh yeah now I have this ability I can go to this room I saw earlier.... in one of the areas.... somewhere" and then just wandering around from room to room until I find that place.

I have been thinking about wipeout recently, and have been super tempted to get ballisticNG in order to play that kind of high-speed anti-gravity racing game again

Copper getting used to the little guppy.

(NO suggestive comments.)


#FurryArt #aptophilia

we just realized the word "alien" is literally just "somewhere-else-ian" in latin

what if you got close to an eel and it whispered "meow" into your ear

the internet...... is full of worms!!!!!! heck yeah!!!!!!!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!