re: videogame idea thoughts
the problem with this idea, I think, is that it is very vague. This isn't enough of an idea to base a game off, and some parts of it are too simple to really mean anything and other parts are too ambitious and unbounded in scope.
so I'm probably going to obsessively think about this for 3 weeks and then forget about it XD
re: videogame idea thoughts
if I do actually make this, I have some things I want to do really differently to 256:
- firstly, it's going to be way faster - like pacman CE 2.
- instead of being infinitely vertical, it will be infinite in every direction. BUT the space is divided into sections that are blocked off by locked doors - so you have to find keys to get to other sections.
- Different sections will be different "biomes", and have different hazards and enemies.
- Thematically less abstract
videogame idea thoughts
Ever since I played Pac-man 256 (an infinite pac-man game), I've wanted to make a clone of it and fix all its problems (like how many of the powerups you unlock are just strictly better versions of earlier powerups, thus making the old ones useless)
But I've never wanted to JUST make a clone.
Until I had the "brilliant" and "extremely creative" idea of making it a roguelike.
Instead of unlocking powerups between runs, you unlock them DURING runs.
re: programming
I've been wracking my brain for ideas, but I keep just either coming up with stuff that isn't suitable for idris, or would take so long that I wouldn't enjoy them.
I'm feeling the allure of type systems, like an anglerfish in the depths, but I think I am wise enough to know to keep away...
re: programming
I'm not even a programmer anymore, I've got no excuses I can make to spend time with it 😭
ooo, the latest update made a change I really like - killing an illager captain no longer forces you to have the bad omen effect (which means the next town you visit will be raided by illagers)
I always hated this because I never wanted to do a raid, but illagers spawn all the time
Instead, killing the captain now drops a potion that you can CHOOSE to drink to get the effect
re: hubris, a conundrum of my own devising
I think writing out this post has made me realise that I DO want to play it, I've just been avoiding it because of the very anxiety problem that this system usually helps with.
No more avoidance! When I get up tomorrow I'm going to play ultrakill, and unlock those slots!!!
re: hubris, a conundrum of my own devising
My choices seem to be:
- make myself play ultrakill. Technically this is the system working as intended, encouraging me to actually keep playing the games I enjoy.
- mark ultrakill as complete. I don't want to do this because I actually DO want to complete it and I enjoy playing the game
- modify the system to have more open slots. Slippery slope to making the system stop working
- abandon the system entirely
idk what to do
re: hubris, a conundrum of my own devising
But because of the way I designed the system, with a complicated scheme of slots which become locked or unlocked under certain conditions, I now have a blockage. Before I can start playing any new games, I need to finish ultrakill. But I haven't launched the game in over a month.
hubris, a conundrum of my own devising
A few months ago I decided I was going to make myself play more video games to completion.
(To be clear: this system considered "I don't want to play this anymore" as "completing" a game. It existed to combat an anxiety I had which was preventing me from playing the games I actually enjoyed)
And it worked! I started playing games again, and had a lot of fun, and it encouraged me to actually finish the games instead of stressing about their incompleteness
hi I'm avery, a cute lizardsquid with 3 hearts full of love!
nonbinary ░ they/she ░ australia ░ 29yo
I post: silly lizardy nonsense, world building, conlangs, doctor who
polyam, demi, open. I love affection!
hugs and cuddles and such are ok, but everything else please ask first
languages: English • Welsh (very basic)
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