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doctor who, steven moffat, hot take 

I'm watching "The Curse of Fatal Death", a comedic parody of Doctor Who produced by the BBC in 1999.

It was written by Steven Moffat.

And so many of the things that are jokes in this skit.... went on to become serious plot elements in Doctor Who when he became show runner in 2009.

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"You fools! The Zechtronic beam controller will now not only explode, it will implode!"

my "nerd religious war" things 

text editor: spacemacs (vim style)
shell: fish
programming language: haskell
terminal emulator: currently urxvt, but I don't mind most
window manager: bspwm
build system: cabal (I know I should use stack, but nixos compatability is better with cabal)
database: don't know anything about db stuff
terminal multiplexer: "open multiple windows"
operating system: sabayon, but hacked to have gentoo bits, but hacked to have nixos bits. Soon: nixos

*unironically uses emacs with an extension that makes it behave like vim*

since it's been a while: it's ok to unfollow me if you need to. I won't be upset, and I won't go after you and pester you.

this is true if you're a mutual - I don't feel bad about it if you need to break that mutual follow


With an audible subscription, you get 1 audiobook a month for $30. This is slightly cheaper (on average) than buying an audiobook every month, and you get to keep the audiobooks you get from the subscription.

I love audiobooks, but the main reasons I haven't got an audible subscription:

* I'd much rather share it with someone, but I haven't found anyone else who likes audiobooks as much as I do
* It's owned by amazon, and I don't really want to give them any more money.

A spaceship is streaking across the sky, lead by a brilliant column of fire as it burns hard to decelerate after having punched through the atmosphere.

You can see the condensation clouds as sonic boom shockwaves shear off the airframe, and know you'll soon hear those rattling blasts. But for a moment, the sky is silent.

You check the time on your phone. Right on schedule. Your ride is here.

[This is an image I've been thinking about all day. Goodnight 💜 ]

oh no, my backup grew from 150GB to 223GB

that's deduplicated as well... it would be 1TB otherwise

I wish I had a screen in the shower, so I could watch long form videos while cleening

I'm gonna close masto and slide into bed for a while

I hope you all have a lovely day!

I drew/doodled this a while earlier today, and I don't know which version is better.

(The only difference between the two is the snout marks.)


I'm feeling like I hecked something up really badly, but can't remember what it would be...

The Poverty Experience™ 

"Things are tough right now, but in a month this thing will happen to relieve some financial pressure"

*a month passes*
*thing happens*
*immediately: something else happens to make it just as bad as before*

"dang. oh well. things are tough right now, but in a month this other thing will–"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!