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One thing I like about Australia is it's increasingly multicultural - on this one train carriage I can see people with ancestors in Europe, several different parts of India, China, Korea, the Philippines, South Africa (ish, not sure) and several different parts of the middle east

minecraft modding confession 

I've never played long enough to even *start* something like draconic evolution


ah, this was actually for the entire unit, not just a room

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today I start uni
none of my clothes are dry
we haven't found a place to live and have to move out tomorrow

@blackle one of mastodon's strengths is that it is very hard to be famous on mastodon

Whisper to me those three beautiful words 

Carly Rae Jepsen

Harry Potter and the Hip Hop a Hibby a Hibby to the Hip Hip Hop and You Don't Stop the Rockin' to the Bang Bang Boogie Said Up Jump the Boogie to the Rhythm of the Boogedy Beat

whisper to me those three beautiful words 

slurping and glurping

:red_candle: :lattentacle: :red_candle:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!