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wiring could've gone better, using stiff wires was an absolute mistake (i had a huge surplus i figured wouldn't have been a problem for this) but now hopefully everything is wired as i want it, just need a hole for the cable and i should be able to start writing code if everything works hopefully

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lol realizing why in the past however many years everybody else who builds computers recommends power supplies with about twice as much capacity as i've ever needed in my computer builds is because i'm the only one building full AMD builds since 2011 when everybody else is still on the intel train

i've looked into the SNES archive. there are no sources. there are, however, compiled binaries.. in a weird format. and, also, for the mega drive.

looking at the mega drive ones, the header information seems to be there? but it's not in the right offsets it should be. which makes me wonder if this is somehow in a slightly compressed format, or a format for some esoteric devkit. i can't really get much else out of this and wish someone else would look at it


looking somewhat better but still kinda crap. maybe xfce isn't the way to go but i dunno what else to use

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please is there any window/desktop manager/environment for that's suitable for 1280x480 without rolling your own from scratch because this isn't it

so these are the internals otherwise so far

  • RPi 3B 1GB
  • DietPi (might change my mind later)
  • RPi Pico running a very quick slapdash circuitpython script to turn the unharmed NC100 keyboard into USB HID (charmed by how easy that was)
  • a new dfrobot UPS HAT has been ordered, should give me I2C monitoring so i can get that into the OS
  • 10000mAh battery (might been a mistake given clearances but i'm winging this
  • screen is 1280x480, takes HDMI and USB for power and touch
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never assume that just because the connector is the same the polarity is.. i've now repinned the battery but not before probably killing this UPS HAT

which specifically has no diode protection

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!