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the cross-manufacturer is that on the same version of and same version of my fiancée can set me alone as a notification but i only get the option to turn all my DMs at once as a priority

wiring could've gone better, using stiff wires was an absolute mistake (i had a huge surplus i figured wouldn't have been a problem for this) but now hopefully everything is wired as i want it, just need a hole for the cable and i should be able to start writing code if everything works hopefully

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lol realizing why in the past however many years everybody else who builds computers recommends power supplies with about twice as much capacity as i've ever needed in my computer builds is because i'm the only one building full AMD builds since 2011 when everybody else is still on the intel train

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!