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i just wish people were a little bit nicer to me sometimes and with that i also mean i didn't have to beg for attention all the time

Listen up all you foolish mortals:

Someone talking about a weird thing their computer did is not a cry for help. *Especially* when said someone clearly said they solved the problem.

I understand this particular platform is very-much filled with computer nerds who want to be helpful, but please check whether help is being requested before you pop out of the woodwork like some sort of Clippy

My short story "They Say Don't Get Clocked" is temporarily available for free ( because a wise friend said that an anxiety-laden allegory revenge tale involving a is something voters might like.

The Hugo nomination period is now open so check it out, and if you're able, please consider nominating it in the Short Story category! (Hugo site is real slow, sorry

but don't worry, if you did before and want to amend that, please feel free

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if every person who told me or my partner to go to therapy had paid for the cost of a session, we'd probably not be having money problems right now

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!