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discord removing the feature to let you see blocked messages on mobile only is the one good thing they've done in a while, hopefully they'll remove it on desktop soon too or better yet remove the tombstones altogether

we're still dogging on each other just as much only without a singular warden

we've become the wardens

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also should point out how the transfem instances that get demonized and blocklisted all the time are some of the few places mad and mentally ill transfems are welcomed moreso then merely tolerated
It's okay to take up space and talk about whatever you feel is important to you, regardless of if it annoys people who follow you

You're not here to be a content creator who caters to what others want. You're here to be yourself. Others have tools to mute and filter you, don't worry about them.
👾 to transfems who have been targeted, harassed, character assassinated, lied about, threatened, and forced to leave your instance just because you dared to speak out against a self-proclaimed authority over all of fedi

if you need a new home you will be welcomed here on TLA, or any of our sister instances listed in the badges on our about page:

here we keep each other safe, we support our sisters. even if you have previously sided against us, it doesn't matter to me. if you need shelter, Translunar Academy's docking ports are open is a closed instance with a tight community. but if you're being harassed and you have a clear history of not being an abuser, you're welcome here. send me a dm.
we're hosted on transfemme infra, running a queer-ass instance software, and run by an outspoken trans doll (me!). we're not gonna attack you for being outspokenly you


re: drama, schadenfreude and catharsis 

i'm feeling real good about how all the dickheads that have been chasing me down in this here website since 2017 are getting their just desserts, honestly

i don't wish them ill, i just wish for what they brought on themselves

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@suricrasia i had a math teacher where half his lecture was him complaining about his russian immigrant wife and it was so miserable i was glad he failed me

drama, schadenfreude and catharsis 

people still think are0h is a person worth listening to ?? in 2023??


It was always going to come down to this. There's no other way. There's no other choice. It's werewolves versus everything.

After eight years, 11 issues, and 200+ contributors, the final issue of my anthology series "WEREWOLVES VERSUS" is out today. It's 259 pages long, featuring 20 entries and stunning front and back covers. I'm incredibly proud of what we made. Please check it out!

Airbus open sourced their new cockpit font. Make it the default for all your embedded projects, because it's REALLY good and has real testing in difficult environments!

@hazel if i ever come round near London or you decide for some terrible reason to come near Devon or Exeter we should meet up

Fuck it. #YOLO

#Bluesky continues to be entirely non-responsive to the numerous security vulnerabilities I've reported to them, so I spent the evening writing up a nice README and a framework with exploit modules, and just made it all public.

Have fun.

#infosec #security

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!