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brought to you by the people who need to reinstall the HID drivers whenever you change your mouse's USB port

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fun fact in windows if you add a bluetooth device with one bluetooth usb dongle and then lose that dongle and start using a different one you can no longer remove the devices that were paired with the first single and they remain listed in your computer forever

❄ transfems you make sure you're practicing security culture and don't be easily identifiable. we already had to deal with death threats from fascists and now they're coming from liberals too, so be safe. :transheart:

also if tusky supports thebadspace... maybe time to find a new mastodon app

it sucks that it keeps happening but i'm at least a little glad more people are seeing their true colors now

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i'm honestly appalled these people have been harming the fediverse unscathed for so long while my social circles and mental health have been destroyed by them and i got told that i was making it all up

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remember when i got told that there was no mastodon clique/cabal/cult back in 2017 well uh

TheBadSpace, Death Threats 

This is a safety thing now. You need to defederate sources and defenders ASAP. Are0h is literally being friendly with a defender of his who sent someone critical of death threats. He called kiwifarms and now he's actually endorsing death threats. For the safety of you and your users, cut ties immediately

i can do embedded C work, i can buy retro junk and talk shit about anime

one thing i miss from migrating over to tabletop playground was the trivial pursuit board so i made my own deck and put it online

will update this eventually with a trivial pursuit-like board as well but right now you can play quick trivia with the category die

you'd really think this is a problem we'd solved in typesetting somewhere around the 80s

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having a fuck of a time trying to make programatically generated text boxes without resorting to just building a bot to generate hundreds of html+css and using a browser to render that out to png

svg tiny 1.2 introduces text area and was apparently proposed in 2008 but i guess 15 years isn't long enough for support for it to be included in cairosvg or svglib

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incredible how svg doesn't have a text area element and i need to do my text wrapping by hand

what year is it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!